Nursing management

Nursing management

  • Nurses play a critical role
    • Conducting a comprehensive history and physical assessment
    • Participating in plan of care
    • Teaching patient and caregiver
    • Symptom management
    • Evaluating patient and family outcomes
  • Nursing assessment
    • First attend to primary needs
    • Ensure assistive devices are used
    • Allow plenty of time
    • Interview family or caregivers separately
    • Involves an inter-professional approach
  • Planning
    • Identify strengths and abilities
    • Priority goals
    • Gain a sense of control
    • Feel safe
    • Reduce stress
  • Nursing implementation
    • Modify approach based on the older adult’s physical, functional, and mental status
    • Safety first
    • Health Promotion
    • Acute and Ambulatory Care
    • Care transitions can be challenging
    • Re-hospitalization is a risk
    • Traditional Care Model: evidence-based and innovate care coordination and management model
    • Medication use
      • Medication use in older adults requires thorough and regular assessment, care planning, and evaluation.
      • Older adults may have difficulty due to cognitive impairment, altered sensory perceptions, limited hand mobility, and the high cost of many prescriptions.
      • Nonadherence to medication regimens is common.
      • Many older adults are unable to read prescription drug labels or understand the health information that is provided to them.
      • Older adults may have difficulty managing medication regimens due to cognitive impairment, altered sensory perceptions, limited hand mobility or dexterity, and the high cost of many drugs.
      • Polypharmacy, overdose, and addiction to prescription drugs are major causes of illness in older adults.
      • Errors from (1) administration of both brand and generic medications, (2) refilling medications too soon or too late resulting in taking the medication incorrectly, and (3) drug-drug interactions can be prevented by having a pharmacist review the medication regimen regularly.
      • The American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria are designed to reduce problems with medications in older adults.


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