Nausea and Vomiting: When to See a Doctor Near You

Nausea and Vomiting: When to See a Doctor Near You

One of the most common medical signs or symptoms are nausea and vomiting. This is because they can be indicative of a number of medical conditions, some of them viral gastroenteritis being worth worrying about while others such as morning sickness indicative of early pregnancy being a good rather than a bad thing, medically speaking at least. Nausea and vomiting can also be due to side effects of one taking certain medications which just goes to drive home the point that these two are actually quite common as far as different medical conditions and scenarios are concerned. Most of the time, one has to go to see a doctor in order for a diagnosis to be made as far as their nausea and vomiting is concerned. This is because, unlike other medical symptoms, these two have to involve tests being done physically in order for the root of the matter to be uncovered and as such calling the doctor’s office may not do here. Most people also prefer not to take chances since while it is true that nausea and vomiting may be due to conditions that are not that serious such as food poisoning, it may also be indicative of more serious conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease among others. As such it is important to not when to see a doctor near you for the same, with being the best place to visit, and this is what this article will attempt to highlight.

Severe vomiting may lead to one suffering dehydration and as such this is the first instance that should lead to you going to see a doctor near you. If you have been suffering severe nausea and vomiting and start experiencing symptoms of dehydration such as excessive thirst, infrequent urination, dark-colored urine, dry mouth, lightheadedness and dizziness when you stand among others, then you should ensure you go see a doctor near you with being the best place out there to visit for this. You should also ensure you go see a doctor near you as soon as you can if you are experiencing nausea and vomiting, accompanied by a severe and unexplained headache. Another instance that should lead to a visit to a doctor near you is if your vomit contains blood in it. This may not always manifest as blood, that is crimson red droplets and may manifest itself as substances resembling coffee grounds. Blood in the vomit should be taken seriously and should lead to a visit to a doctor as soon as possible.

Another instance that should lead to you going over to a doctor near you, with definitely being the best place to visit for such, is if you have been experiencing vomiting that has now lasted for more than 48 hours for adults, 24 hours for children that are under the age of 2 or 12 hours for infants. This should definitely be looked at as if it wasn’t serious, it should have gone away by now. You should also go and see a doctor near you if you have been experiencing nausea and vomiting and have also experienced unexplained weight loss. It is also recommended that if you are experiencing a severe and unexplained headache as well as a stiff neck to go with your nausea and vomiting, then the next step should be to head over and see a doctor near you for assessment and treatment of the same. If you have suffered a head injury within the last 24 hours and you start experiencing nausea and vomiting, then the next step should be to ensure you go see a doctor near you as soon as you can as this may be a sign that you may have suffered from a concussion.

Another instance that should lead to you going to see a doctor near you is if the nausea and vomiting is due to certain medical conditions and instances. These include if you have undergone recent surgery especially if it was bowel surgery, if you are taking cancer medication, if you suspect that you may be suffering from motion sickness, vertigo or may be pregnant. All these scenarios should end up with you heading over to see a doctor near you so that you may be assessed, with being the best place to head to for the same. One should also head over and see a doctor that is nearest to you if you are experiencing the bizarre situation that is fecal matter in your vomit. The same applies to situations where the vomit has a distinct odor of fecal matter. If you are experiencing nausea and vomiting and this is also accompanied by severe abdominal pain, then you should also ensure you go and see a doctor near you as soon as you can to be assessed for the same. Other signs that you should see a doctor near you is if the nausea and vomiting is accompanied by a feeling of lethargy and unexplained tiredness, confusion as well as decreased alertness.

The above are the instances that should lead you to schedule a visit to and see a doctor near you for nausea and vomiting with being the best place out there to visit for such.


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