Ear Infections

Ear injuries can result in dangerous infections. They can affect the ear canal, middle ear, or even the ear drum. Many ear infections are the result of a pressure change during an injury caused by a blow to the ear or scuba diving.

Initial symptoms may include ear pain, ringing in the ear, discharge from the ear, fullness in the ear, nausea, vomiting and, in severe cases, hearing loss.

Other symptoms include:
  • fever
  • thick yellow or bloody drainage from the ear
  • trouble sleeping
  • trouble hearing
There are several factors that increase the risk of ear infection, including:
  • Age: Children under the age of 3 are most likely to have ear infections
  • Birth defects: Children born with a cleft palate or down syndrome are most vulnerable to ear infections.
  • Family history: If a parent has had a middle ear infection, the child is more likely to have ear infections.
  • Allergy: Allergies can block the tube connecting the back of the nose, throat, and ear, increasing the chance of ear infection.
  • Weak immune system: Babies with weak immune systems have more ear infections than healthy children.
  • Smoking or exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Repetitive colds
  • Bottle feeding: If you’re feeding a baby with a bottle, he or she may lop an ear infection within a year of birth.

If you have injured your ear, we recommend seeking medical attention at FRONTLINE ER as soon as possible. As soon as you report to FRONTLINE ER, our doctors will talk to you about your symptoms. They will then examine the eardrum using a special tool. This allows our professional doctors to find the stage of the infection.

While most ear infections go away on their own, we do our best to cure the patient as soon as possible using antibiotics and painkillers to relieve the pain and treat the infection. In some cases, minor surgery is required and our doctors will put tubes in the ear that may help with hearing difficulties or chronic infections.

Follow-Up Procedures

Once the patient’s ear starts recovering we may go through minor surgery or rehabilitation, depending upon the patient’s condition and the stage of infection. After the initial treatment is complete, the patient can seek further information from our experienced staff. He or she may also take advantage of our counselling service, which is provided by specialists and doctors.

If you’ve suffered any ear injury or you believe you may have an ear infection, we recommend you use our call FRONTLINE ER at [geolifycontent id=”26138″] to let us know you are coming in.


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