How to Deal with Your Skin Rashes and Infections

How to Deal with Your Skin Rashes and Infections

Having skin rashes or infections can be extremely frustrating, especially if they are persistent or painful. However, there are ways to deal with these symptoms so that you can continue on with your daily life without too much trouble. When it comes to dealing with rashes and infections, you need to treat the symptoms rather than treating the underlying cause of the problem, which would be hard to do in many cases. Regardless of what causes your rash or infection, this guide will show you how to deal with them so that you can get back to your regular routine as soon as possible.

Here’s What To Do For Different Kinds Of Rash

Oftentimes, rashes can be treated at home. However, you should always contact your doctor if your rash: Severely itches Has blisters Is accompanied by a fever Is red or blotchy Spreads quickly.

#1) Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis

This type of rash typically appears on areas of skin that are often exposed to contact or friction, such as your hands or feet. It can appear suddenly in patches or slowly over time. Some people may only have a few mild episodes in their lifetime, while others may struggle with it throughout their lives. Diet, genetics, stress levels and immune health are all factors that can play a role in how often you get outbreaks.

#2) Herpes Simplex Labialis (Cold Sores)

Antiviral medications may decrease cold sore outbreaks. Cold sores are caused by a viral infection of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1). Current treatments include application of antiviral ointments like acyclovir 5% cream, valacyclovir 10% cream, or famciclovir. The length of your outbreak will depend on many factors, including which medication you use. Acyclovir gel seems to shorten healing time by up to two days.

#3) Ringworm

Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that appears as red, clear fluid-filled blisters or shallow open sores. It usually strikes around your mouth or nose, but you can develop it anywhere on your body. Impetigo can be caused by strep throat, allergic reactions to certain medications, insect bites or scabies. But more often than not, it’s due to a lack of handwashing.

#4) Impetigo (or any skin infection without boils)

Impetigo (or any skin infection without boils) is not as deadly as it once was. With modern antibiotics, you’ll be back on your feet in a few days. However, if not treated promptly, it can spread quickly and cause other problems. If you start to feel unwell—and especially if you have any of these symptoms—don’t hesitate: Get yourself into a dermatologist ASAP! Here’s what they will do


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