Emergency Room Visit for Cuts and Bruises

Emergency Room Visit for Cuts and Bruises

At some point or another, we’ve all experienced the unfortunate situation of dealing with cuts and bruises, whether it be from falling off our bike or getting into an altercation with our significant other. While we might not think of this as an emergency situation, it’s important to pay attention to this kind of wound and visit your local emergency room if any of the following symptoms occur

What You’ll See

On first glance, you might think that getting stitches is something reserved for deep cuts or severe lacerations. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Scrapes, scratches, and even bruises can benefit from having your skin sewn back together by a plastic surgeon. The key to reducing scarring is to act quickly—don’t wait to see if your scrapes will heal on their own! Emergency room staff is there exactly for situations like these.

What You’ll Hear

As in any visit to a medical clinic, you’ll likely need to fill out forms prior to receiving treatment. Expect that you’ll be asked for information such as your name, address, date of birth, insurance information and possibly other health-related questions (including asking if there’s a known allergy to certain medications). If you’re not sure about something on the form, ask your doctor or nurse.

Forms and Paperwork

Now that you’re in an emergency room, here are some forms you might need to fill out. Have your insurance card ready. An ER has very stringent HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations, so be prepared to answer lots of personal questions about yourself before you can see a doctor or get any sort of care.

Waiting Time Expectations

If you show up at an ER with a cut, you’ll likely be waiting before getting care. The average time spent in an ER—about four hours—is about two hours longer than what’s recommended by most experts. Waiting times vary widely depending on your medical condition; if you have cancer or heart problems, expect to wait even longer.


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