High Blood Pressure Symptoms and Conditions We Treat at frontlineer.com

High Blood Pressure Symptoms and Conditions We Treat at frontlineer.com

There are many reasons that folks visit an emergency room, and high blood pressure is one of the most common of them. hypertension, as it is known in medical circles, is also one of the leading causes of death in the world right now, third leading cause of death actually. The numbers according to the World Health Organization, WHO, also shows that the number of people living with this condition in the world right now has passed the one billion mark, and it is growing. All these facts and figures just go to show how common it is right and how it could be counterproductive to ignore it as a health condition. High blood pressure, r hypertension, occurs when the long-term force of the blood up against the walls of one’s arteries becomes so high that it could eventually lead to serious health issues such as heart disease among others. High blood pressure can be diagnosed and treated by your doctor and if you are having issues with it, you could have your medication either adjusted or added to so as to deal with it. When it comes to a hypertension emergency however, a visit to an emergency room is the only thing that will suffice as the situation if left untreated may lead to damage to blood vessels as well as organ damage. This is why we treat such scenarios of high blood pressure over at frontlineer.com given it is a medical emergency, and this article will look to highlight some of the symptoms and conditions that we do treat as far as high blood pressure is concerned.

One of the main symptoms that we do treat as far as high blood pressure goes are instances where one is recording a blood pressure reading of 180/110 or higher, with this reading being accompanied by chest pains. If you are presenting with such symptoms, then you should give us a visit as soon as possible to be assessed and treated as this is usually a sign of target organ damage. The chest pain coupled with the high blood pressure reading could indicate possible heart failure as well as damage to the heart muscle due to the high pressure of the blood and should be taken very seriously as this is a symptom that one is having a hypertension emergency. One may also experience shortness of breath to go together with the high blood pressure reading and the chest pain. This is yet another sign that should give us a visit as soon as possible so that you can receive immediate emergency treatment.

Another symptom that we treat as far as high blood pressure is concerned is instances where one is recording a blood pressure reading of 180/110 which is accompanied by a loss in consciousness or one appears to be unresponsive. If one is presenting with such symptoms, then this is indicative of a hypertension emergency and as such one should be brought over to us as soon as possible so that we can start treatment. Most people who suffer these symptoms do so as a result of failing to take their high blood pressure medication, with this being the most common cause of hypertension emergencies out there. Another symptom as far as high blood pressure goes is high blood pressure reading of 180/110 that is also accompanied by a severe headache, which is so severe that one develops blurred vision. Such symptoms usually indicate that the affected part of the body is the brain and as such this is a situation to be taken very seriously. This is because if one doesn’t do so, it could lead to a blood vessel in the brain bursting due to the blood pressure, causing a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is a type of stroke that is life-threatening. This is why these are exactly the sort of symptoms we do treat as far as high blood pressure is concerned.

Another set of symptoms that we also treat as far as high blood pressure is concerned is if one is recording a very high blood pressure reading, that is 180/110 or higher, and they are also experiencing severe nausea and vomiting. This is yet another sign of a hypertension emergency as the nausea and vomiting is a sign of target organ damage, this time the organ I question being the kidney. Nausea and vomiting can also be a sign that one is suffering from a stroke as a result of the high blood pressure making this another symptom we do treat as this is a life-threatening situation and should be taken seriously. Another condition that we treat as far as high blood pressure is concerned is instances of blood pressure readings of 180/110 or higher followed by seizures in pregnant women, particularly those in late in their pregnancies. We take this situation seriously as it is usually a sign of eclampsia, which is a very serious condition and can be fatal for both the mother and the baby if not treated as soon as possible.

The above are some of the symptoms and conditions that we over at frontlineer.com do treat as far as high blood pressure is concerned and you should give us a visit for some timely and top notch emergency services if you present with any of them.


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