Heart Attack Symptoms and Conditions We Treat at frontlineer.com

Heart Attack Symptoms and Conditions We Treat at frontlineer.com

Given that more than one million people in the U.S alone suffer from heart attacks just shows how much of problem it is. It is one of the most serious debilitating conditions out there, and is a medical emergency as it is a life-threatening condition. A heart attack occurs when blood supply to the heart muscles is cut, which leads to damage of the muscles of the heart hence why it is referred to as myocardial infarction. The reason behind the cutting off of blood supply to the heart is in most cases due to a buildup of fat and cholesterol among other substances, which end up forming plaque in the coronary arteries, the arteries that supply blood to the heart. When the plaque eventually breaks away, they trigger platelets to come and thus clots are formed in the coronary arteries which then block off supply of blood to the heart. Since heart muscles, just like any other muscles in the body, require constant supply of oxygen for nourishment, when that supply is blocked off, it leads to damage of the muscles in the affected part of the heart. We over at frontlineer.com recognize just how serious heart attacks are and that is why we offer top of the line and timely treatment to anyone who comes in with symptoms of heart attack. This article will look to highlight some of the conditions and symptoms of the same that we do treat.

One of the most common symptoms as far as heart attacks go, one that we do treat, is chest pain. Of all the symptoms associated with heart attacks, chest pain is one of the most common ones and usually presents itself as pressure, tightness or a squeezing sensation in one’s chest or aching and sharp pain in the chest. If you are experiencing chest pain or tightness and it is out of the blue, then you should give us a visit as soon as possible to be assessed and treated. You should never look to self-diagnose yourself as far as chest pain goes, especially if it is sudden, as time is of the essence as far as heart attacks go given the more time you waste, the more damage your heart muscles incur and the more likely the situation is to end with a fatality. Speaking of pain, pressure ad feeling of tightness, these sensations are not usually preserved only to the chest as far as heart attacks go. As such, yet another set of symptoms we treat as far as heart attacks are concerned include pain, tightness and squeezing sensations in the arms and which may radiate to the neck, back or jaw. If you are also experiencing such symptoms, you should give us a visit also for treatment as soon as you can.

Another set of symptoms that we do treat as far as heart attacks are concerned, and which should be taken seriously are gastrointestinal symptoms. These symptoms include nausea and vomiting and should be taken very seriously. It is also worth noting that women are more likely to experience these symptoms when it comes to heart attacks as opposed to men. Another gastrointestinal symptom that you should look out for as far as heart attacks are concerned is abdominal pain, which may feel like heartburn. If you are experiencing any of these gastrointestinal symptoms, and they are sudden-onset, then you should give us a visit as soon as possible so that you can be assessed and treated for heart attack. Yet another symptom that we do treat as far as heart attacks go is shortness of breath. Those who present with this symptom will find that panting for breath or are trying to take in deep breaths. Shortness of breath may be accompanied by chest pain or it may present as a stand-alone symptom without chest pain; either way, if you are presenting with such, you should give us a visit as soon as possible so that you can be treated.

Lightheadedness and dizzy spells are another symptom that we do treat as far as heart attacks are concerned. With these symptoms, you will find that you suddenly feel like you might pass out. If you develop such symptoms as well as other signs of a heart attack, you should give us a visit so that we start you on treatment as soon as possible. Other symptoms we treat as far as heart attacks go include anxiety where you may suddenly develop a feeling of doom, sweating especially cold sweat with chills, heart palpitations where you suddenly become aware that your heart is beating or is skipping beats as well as unexplained fatigue where you suddenly find that you are getting exhausted easily and that those tasks that you used to do without any issues suddenly become very tiring for you such as climbing stairs. If you develop any of these symptoms, you should give us a visit as soon as possible for treatment.

Heart attacks should always be taken seriously and that is why we advise you to take the above symptoms and conditions as far as heart attacks go, and always ensure you give us a visit as soon as possible for treatment over at frontlineer.com if you develop any of the above symptoms.


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