Heart Disease : Gender differences

Gender differences

  • Men
    • Men experience systolic failure more frequently than women.
    • Men with asymptomatic systolic failure experience greater mortality benefit from ACE inhibitor therapy than women.
  • Women
    • Women experience diastolic failure more frequently than men.
    • Women have a higher risk of ACE inhibitor–related cough than men.
    • Women experience more digitalis-related death than men.
    • Women with diabetes are more predisposed to HF than men.

Classification of heart failure

  • Left-sided HF
    • Most common form of HF
    • Results from inability of LV to
      • Empty adequately during systole
      • Fill adequately during diastole
    • Further classified as
      • Systolic
      • Diastolic
      • Mixed systolic and diastolic
    • Blood backs up into left atrium and pulmonary veins
    • Increased pulmonary pressure causes fluid leakage →→ pulmonary congestion and edema


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