Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Car Wreck: Pain or Swelling

Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Car Wreck: Pain or Swelling

Car accidents are pretty common, with a number of them happening every day, something the folks over at the highly rated frontlineer.com can attest to. Unfortunately, there are car accidents that cause deaths with there being a relatively significant number of deaths attributed to the same each year. Most car accidents however, are minor, mostly causing minor injuries which means that most victims escape relatively unharmed bar some pain or swelling. However, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, just because the pain or swelling seems minor doesn’t always mean that you haven’t suffered any serious injuries requiring immediate treatment at the ER. It has been established that the human body, right after an accident, will produce adrenaline which allows us to cope with any injuries suffered. I’m sure we have all heard of stories of people who have suffered severe injuries somehow escape the wreckage or site of the accident. There are times when you may suffer an injury, particularly when playing sports, but you are still able to play through the injury, only to wake up feeling extremely painful and sore the next day, once the adrenaline wears off. It is therefore important to know the specific pain or swelling that means that you should head over to an ER for a car wreck, something this article, together with the excellent frontlineer.com, will look to help with.

One of the red flags to look out for as far as pain and swelling after a car wreck goes is pain in the neck and shoulder. As per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, neck pain is usually a sign of whiplash, which is one of the most common injuries suffered in a car wreck. The sudden halting of momentum that occurs during a car accident causes the head and neck to jolt forward suddenly which usually leads to whiplash. In most cases, if you have suffered whiplash, then you will experience pain immediately after the car wreck, although in some case, the pain may come in days down the line, something to keep an eye out for. Whiplash accidents can lead to one suffering concussion due to the fact that the injury also causes the brain to jolt suddenly in the skull. Therefore, if you are experiencing neck pain as well as other signs of concussion such as changes in vision, nausea and vomiting among others, including loss of consciousness, even if it is just momentary, then you should head over to an ER as soon as possible, or rather, call 911 and have yourself taken there. Even if your neck pain isn’t due to whiplash, then it could be a sign of a spinal injury, which should also lead to an immediate visit to an ER. Therefore, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, if you are experiencing neck pain after a car wreck, head over to an ER just to be safe.

Other than shoulder and neck pain, another red flag to keep your eyes pealed out for after a car wreck is back pain. Back pain after a car wreck should always be taken seriously as it could be a sign of some very serious injuries such as spinal injury and a herniated disc, all of which are covered in detail over at the excellent frontlineer.com. On top of that, if your back pain is accompanied by a tingling sensation in your back, or even numbness, then it could be indicative of a pinched nerve, which is yet another serious injury. This is why back pain should lead to visit to an ER, like the excellent frontlineer.com, so that you can be attended to as soon as possible. The aforementioned injuries can lead to problems with mobility, including permanent disability if severe or if not attended to as soon as possible.

You should also keep an eye out for abdominal pain or swelling after a car wreck. As per discussions on the same over at the highly regarded frontlineer.com, abdominal pain and swelling after a car accident could be a sign of internal bleeding or internal injuries, both of which should be taken seriously. This is usually caused by a blow to the abdominal area during the car accident or due to the seatbelt pulling tightly across the abdomen when the car wreck occurs. Signs of internal bleeding include deep purple bruising on your abdomen as well as dizziness and fainting. This should be taken seriously as such a situation is life-threatening. The abdominal area also contains a number of organs, all of which could have been injured causing the abdominal swelling and pain. It is extremely difficult to diagnose internal bleeding or internal injuries which is why it is important that you go to an ER, such as the excellent frontlineer.com, if you are experiencing abdominal swelling and pain, as well as the other symptoms, after a car wreck.

The above are some of the instances when you should go to an ER for pain or swelling due to a car wreck, with there being more to be uncovered on this and other related topics over at the excellent frontlineer.com, which is also the best place to go to for such injuries.


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