Emergency Room: When to Go to an ER for Car Wreck: Fractures to Various Parts of the Body
Car crashes can be absolutely devastating, especially when they involve two or more cars colliding with each other. During these severe car wrecks, your body is forced to absorb a lot of shock and force, and while our bones are pretty strong, they are usually unable to withstand the severe forces exerted on them during car wrecks. This is why bone fractures are among the most common injuries suffered by victims of car wrecks, something backed up by the subject matter experts over at the highly rated frontlineer.com. Fractures can be quite painful and usually take a lot of time and resources, including money, to fully heal. There are many bones in the body, all of which have got the potential to be fractured during a car wreck. While there are different kinds of fractures, all of which are discussed in detail over at frontlineer.com, the kinds of fractures those involved in a car wreck usually suffer are open or compound fractures where the bone breaks through and pierces the skin after fracturing. This article, together with the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, will look to highlight the common types of fractures to various body parts people who have been involved in a car wreck are likely to suffer.
One of the most common type of fracture you are likely to suffer if you get involved in a car wreck is a leg fracture. The leg can loosely be classified into the upper and the lower leg, and as per discussions on the same over at the highly rated frontlineer.com, the upper leg lies between the hip and the knee while the lower leg lies between the knee and the ankle. The lower leg has two main bones, the tibia and fibula, both of which are likely to be fractured during a car wreck. In the upper leg, you will find the femur, which is one of the body’s strongest bones. However, as strong as it is, it can still be fractured during a car wreck. These two cases of bone fractures are among the most common injuries suffered during a car accident. Another type of fracture that you are likely to suffer in a car wreck is a rib fracture, which is usually as a result of one’s chest getting pushed against the seatbelt, airbag or staring wheel. These can also lead to internal injuries as a fractured bone may pierce and damage any of the organs encased by the ribcage. If you suffer a fractured rib during a car wreck, you should head over to an ER like the excellent frontlineer.com as soon as possible.
Another part of the body in which you are also likely to experience a fracture is the hip. In fact, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, hip fractures are amongst the most common fractures experienced during car wrecks. Hip fractures will lead to reduced mobility of your lower extremities as well as severe pain in the hip area. Hip fractures also come with an increased risk of avascular necrosis, AVN, which is why if you suffer such a fracture, you should call 911 and have yourself taken over to an ER as soon as possible. On a related note, another type of fracture you are likely to suffer during a car wreck is a pelvic fracture. While pelvic fractures are more common when it comes to motorcycle accidents, they can also occur during a car wreck. If you suffer a pelvic fracture, as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, you are likely to be unable to stand or walk and you should also head over to an ER to be attended to.
Yet another type of fracture people who have been involved in a car wreck are likely to experience is a facial or skull fracture, discussed in detail over at the excellent frontlineer.com. In most cases, people suffer a facial or skull fracture when they hit the inside of the car or the windshield if they were not wearing a seatbelt. These are pretty serious and require one to be taken to an ER as soon as possible, particularly due to the risk of damage to the brain. Arm fractures are also pretty common as far as fractures following a car wreck are concerned. Just like the leg, the rm is divided into the upper and lower arm. The upper arm has got the humerus while the lower arm has got the radius and ulna. These bones can all be fractured during a car wreck leading to severe pain and even bleeding, especially if it is an open fracture and in such a situation, you should have yourself taken to an ER as soon as possible. While the femur is one of the body’s strongest bones as mentioned above, the clavicle is one of the most fragile and is therefore more susceptible to fracturing during a car wreck as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com. Clavicle fractures can cause many complications if not attended to and as such if you suffer such an injury following a car wreck, you should head over to an ER as soon as possible.
The above are some of the fractures one can suffer during a car wreck, with there being more on this and other related topics over at the excellent frontlineer.com, which is also the best place to go to for such emergency treatment on such injuries.