Diagnostic studies : Asthma

Diagnostic studies

  • Detailed history and physical exam
  • Spirometry
  • Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
  • Chest x-ray
  • Oximetry
  • Allergy testing
  • Blood levels of eosinophils

Diagnostic Assessment

  • History and physical examination
  • Spirometry, including response to bronchodilator therapy
  • Peak expiratory low rate (PEFR)
  • Chest xray
  • Measurement of oximetry
  • Allergy skin testing (if indicated)
  • Blood level of eosinophils and IgE (if indicated)


Intermittent or Persistent Asthma

  • Identification and avoidance or elimination of triggers
  • Patient and caregiver teaching
  • Drug therapy
  • Asthma action plan
  • Desensitization (immunotherapy) if indicated
  • Assess for control (e.g., Asthma Control Test [ACT])*

Acute Exacerbations

  • SaO2 monitoring
  • ABGs
  • Inhaled β2adrenergic agonists
  • Inhaled anticholinergics
  • O2 by nasal cannula or mask
  • IV or oral corticosteroids
  • IV fluids
  • IV magnesium
  • Intubation and assisted ventilation


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