Assist in measures to prevent cognitive impairment

Assist in measures to prevent cognitive impairment

  • Counseling and education can reduce or eliminate such factors (e.g., poor nutrition, cigarette smoking, chemical abuse), which increase the risk for prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction.
  • Interventions are directed toward improving maternal health by educating women regarding the dangers of chemicals, including
    • Prenatal alcohol exposure, which affects organogenesis, craniofacial development, and cognitive ability.
    • Adequate prenatal care
    • Optimal medical care of high-risk newborns
    • Rubella immunization
    • Genetic counseling
    • Prenatal screening, especially in terms of Down syndrome or FXS.
  • The use of folic acid supplements prevents neural tube defects during pregnancy and during the childbearing years; and the use of newborn screening for treatable inborn errors of metabolism (e.g., congenital hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, and galactosemia) are early appropriate therapies to prevent developmental disabilities in children.
  • Structural manipulation and energetic therapies:
    Acupressure, chiropractic medicine, massage, reflexology, rolfing, therapeutic touch, Qi Gong
    Pharmacologic and biologic therapies:
    Antioxidants, cell treatment, chelation therapy, metabolic therapy, oxidizing agents
    Bioelectromagnetic therapies:
    Diagnostic and therapeutic application of electromagnetic fields (e.g., transcranial electrostimulation, neuromagnetic stimulation, electroacupuncture)


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