Anemia : Nursing assessment

Nursing assessment

  • Subjective Data
    • Important health information
      • Past health history
      • Medications
      • Surgery or other treatments
      • Dietary history
    • Functional health patterns

Nursing diagnosis and planning

  • Fatigue related to inadequate oxygenation of the blood
  • Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to inadequate nutritional intake and anorexia
  • Ineffective health management related to lack of knowledge about appropriate nutrition and medication regimen
    • Assume normal activities of daily living
    • Maintain adequate nutrition
    • Develop no complications related to anemia

Nursing interventions

  • Patients with fatigue
    • Alternate rest and activity
    • Prioritize activities
      • Accommodate energy levels
      • Maximize O2 supply for vital functions
    • Provide assistance to minimize risk for injury
    • Evaluate nutritional needs


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