Active Listening

Active Listening

  • To listen actively is to be attentive to what patient is saying, both verbally and nonverbally.
  • Several nonverbal behaviors have been designed to facilitate attentive listening.

Non-verbal behaviors that must be followed to facilitate active listening are included in the acronym SOLER:-

S: Sit squarely facing the patient

O: Observe an open posture

L: Lean forward toward the patient

E: Establish eye contact

R: Relax

Motivational Interviewing

  • Evidence-based, patient-centered style of communication that promotes behavior change by guiding patients to explore their own motivation for change and the advantages and disadvantages of their decisions
  • Incorporates active listening and therapeutic communication techniques but focuses on what the patient wants to do

Process Recordings

  • Process recordings are written reports of verbal interactions with patients.
  • They are written by the nurse or student as a tool for improving communication techniques.


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