Abdominal Pain: Common Causes & Signs You Should go to the ER: ER Near Me

Abdominal Pain: Common Causes & Signs You Should go to the ER: ER Near Me

Abdominal pain is something most of us, if not all of us, have experienced at one time or the other. Abdominal pain is usually referred to as stomach pain, but the abdomen is a lot more than just the stomach, which is just one of the many organs and body structures in the abdominal area of the body, which as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, is the area between the chest and the pelvic areas of the body. As mentioned above, there are a number of major organs in the abdominal area other than the stomach, which include the kidneys, liver, pancreas, intestines both small and large among others. This means that your abdominal pain can mean that you have any number of issues, some minor, others serious requiring a visit to an ER near you like the excellent frontlineerrichmond.com. Thankfully, there are a number of signs and clues revolving around the pattern and location of the abdominal pain as well as the accompanying symptoms that may offer a clue on what is causing your abdominal pain. To offer further help, this article will look to highlight some of the common causes of abdominal pain as well as the signs you should go to an ER near you, such as the highly rated frontlineerdallas.com, to be attended to.

One of the most common causes of abdominal pain is gastroenteritis, which is also referred to as stomach flu. This, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com, is the inflammation of the stomach and intestinal lining and can be due to a bacterial or viral infection, although it can also be caused by a parasite. The most common cause of gastroenteritis is Norovirus, and the condition is highly contagious. Common symptoms of this condition include body aches, fever and chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea as well as lower abdominal pain and cramps. In most cases, gastroenteritis will go away within days, but there are certain instances when you need to go to an ER near you, like the excellent frontlineerrichmond.com, to be attended to. The signs to go to an ER near you include if you are experiencing severe diarrhea and vomiting and can’t keep fluid down as this means there is a major risk of dehydration, if you have blood in your stool, your stool is black or there is blood in your vomit, as well as if there is stool in your vomit. Another pretty common cause of abdominal pain is menstrual cramps, which many females experience. In most cases, such pain will go away after a few days but if it is severe on one side of your stomach, is persistent and drags on for a while or is accompanied by vaginal bleeding during a time that you shouldn’t be having your period and are or could be pregnant, then you should head over to frontlineerdallas.com or an ER near you as soon as possible.

Another common cause of abdominal pain is kidney stones, which as per the gurus over at frontlineer.com, are a type of crystal that are formed by substances in urine. They can be quite painful, with some people saying the pain was as painful as in child birth. Kidney stones usually requires a wait-and-see approach, and if your pain is not severe, there are no signs of an infection and your nausea and vomiting isn’t severe, then your doctor may allow you to pass you stone at home with the help of pain medication. However, if your abdominal pain is severe and is radiating towards the groin or your side, is accompanied by fever, chills, severe vomiting and nausea and there is blood in your urine, then you should head over to frontlineerrichmond.com or an ER near you as soon as possible. Gallstones are yet another common culprit when it comes to abdominal pain, and they are small and hard deposits of fluid and cholesterol crystals which develop inside the gallbladder which may end up blocking the gallbladder duct if left untreated. Gallstones can lead to infection, inflammation and irritation of the gallbladder, which is the real issue as far as they are concerned since cases of gallstones aren’t usually painful by themselves. If you are experiencing severe abdominal pain in the upper right area of your stomach, which can radiate to the upper back or shoulder as well as severe nausea and vomiting, you should head over to an ER near you like the excellent frontlineerdallas.com.

While cases of appendicitis aren’t as common as you may think, despite how infamous the condition is, it is still one of the common causes of abdominal pain out there. Given the condition can be potentially life-threatening, as discussed in detail over at frontlineer.com, it is important to know the symptoms of appendicitis so that you can seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid any unwanted consequences. Of course, as per the subject matter experts over at frontlineerrichmond.com, appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix, which if not addressed by having the inflamed appendix removed could lead to the appendix bursting, a situation that can be fatal. Symptoms of appendicitis include severe and sudden abdominal pain on the right side of the lower abdomen or which begins around the navel before radiating towards the lower right side of your abdomen, nausea and vomiting, fever, as well as abdominal pain that gets worse when you cough, walk or press the lower right-hand side of your stomach. If you notice these symptoms, head over to frontlineerdallas.com or an ER near you as soon as possible.

The above are some of the common causes of abdominal pain, as well as signs that you should go to an ER near you, like the excellent frontlineer.com, frontlineerrichmond.com and frontlineerdallas.com for each of them and we hope this article will be of great help to you.


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