7 Things to do during your Stay at an Emergency Room

7 Things to do during your Stay at an Emergency Room

Emergency Rooms are often very busy place. To some people, staying in the Emergency Room may not be a big issue for them while others find Emergency Room visits to be frustrating and very scary. However, it may not be possible to completely keep off Emergency Rooms as anything can happen to one’s health at any time and you may have no option but to seek ER treatment.

Frontline ER is a leading ER facility that understands what it is like to be in the Emergency Room. Here are some of the tops shared to help your stay in the ER better.

Have All the Important Information About Your Health

The main goal of visiting the Emergency Room is to be treated and get discharged within the shortest time possible. The only way to ensure that you are given quality treatment and that you won’t have to make another unnecessary visit to the Emergency Room in the near future is by providing all the information necessary for your treatment. This is not just with regards to what you are actively ailing from. It, also, entails having a full understanding of your medical history. That is the way the physicians can be able to provide you with the most effective care.

Exercise Patience

While some hours tend to have fewer patients than other, you should always expect any Emergency Room, including FrontLine ER, to be very busy at any given time. The rule usually is to attend to patients in the most critical conditions first before attending to the others. If your condition is not deemed to be very critical, you will have to do some waiting.

Some things you can do while you wait in line for your turn to get treatment include going through your symptoms to provide a detailed description of your condition when your turn arrives, recall your past medications if possible and possibly listen to some music to stay calm.

Patience is not only good for you but, also, for the physicians’ morale at work.

Ask as Many Questions as You Would Like

When it comes to your health, there is nothing that should be more important. Do not be afraid to ask as many questions as possible. Sometimes people come to the ER thinking they know what their condition is, only to provide the wrong information and get the wrong treatment. As such, it is important that during your visit to the Emergency Room, ask the nurses and the physicians as many questions as you would like to know. This will help you get a better understanding of the root of your ailment. Fear of embarrassment should not be a reason for you to hold back and not satisfy your curiosity.

Check Your Emergency Room Bills

It is not quite strange to hear of cases where people visited the ER, got treatment and were discharged only to be slapped with a huge ER bill at the end of the month that they did not expect at all. As such, it is important that when you visit Frontline ER or any other ER, check your bills before leaving. Make sure that you are charged with in-network rates. In case you are treated by someone who is not from your network, get to know the bills and, also, know if your insurance provider covers them.

Listen to What the Physician Tells You

Physicians will always give you orders of what to do depending on what your condition is. This is where you need to be most humble and obedient. When they tell you to stay in bed, please do so. Do not get up and start roaming along the corridors. Physicians usually have tough days with little rest. Obeying their orders and treating them with respect goes a long way in ensuring that they offer you quality healthcare. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be for you, obey what the physician tells you regardless of how unpleasant it may seem.

Inform Your Doctor of Your ER Visit

If you have a personal doctor, you can inform them of your ER visit. They can help provide more information about your health that could be crucial for your treatment. Also, if it is your doctor who referred you to an Emergency Room, have them send the orders to the ER instead and not just send you with the orders. The advantage of this is that you get to save time when you visit the ER.

Be Grateful

It is easy for one to focus on how long they had to wait for treatment, how crowded the ER was and how annoying how other patients are and forget to be grateful that they got treatment. As stated before, people working in the ER have very little time for themselves. They are always moving from one patient to another to ensure that lives and saved and treatments administered. As such, being grateful is the least anyone could do to make a physician’s day a bit better.


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