5 Common ER Questions That Could Save You a Visit 

5 Common ER Questions That Could Save You a Visit 

Maybe you are having some weird pain or a headache, or perhaps you do not just feel right. When something is off, you can tell when you should go to the ER. In some cases, it might have nothing to do with your age or health. In some cases, asking these five questions can help you avoid visiting Frontline ER. It might turn out it is not an emergency after all.

I Have Chest Pain. Should I Go To The ER?

In some cases, you might explain chest pain, which in most cases would be a sign of a heart attack. However, if you just came from the gym, it might be a sign of muscles soreness. It can happen that way if you are fit and practice a good lifestyle.

However, if the pressure gets too much in your chest, it might be time to visit the ER. Besides that, you should ask yourself if you are having other symptoms besides the chest pain. In cases where you have a heart attack, you will feel dizzy, nausea, and numbness in the arms. If you do not have any of these symptoms, you could save yourself a trip to Frontline ER.

I Have A Laceration. Should I Go To Frontline ER?

Sometimes you could develop a cut on your arm or another area. When this happens, you might want to rush to the ER. It is especially so if you are a mother with a young child. Any small wound on your child might seem like a big deal. However, you need to calm down and ask yourself how severe it is.

After stopping any bleeding, clean the area and check how profound it is objectively. After that, check whether it has exposed any underlying structures. If none of this has happened, you might not need to visit the ER. You could bandage the area at home and teach the child to take better care next time.

Going to the ER is a serious affair. Unless there is continuous bleeding or extreme pain that gets worse with time, you should stay at home. If it is minor, you might have to wait for hours before the doctor can attend to your issue. It is because some of the people visiting the ER are usually just a few minutes from fatality and often the nurses can override your case to attend to the most urgent.  Later on, you could end up being given some pain medication and a wound dressing and sent home. You can do these things at home.

I Have A Burn On My Body. Should I Go To The ER?

To determine whether you need to go to the ER for a burn, you need first to assess its location. You also need to check the size of the injury and the depth. If the damage is not visible on the skin, this is a good sign that the burn is not severe. For instance, if you have a tiny wound on just a section of your finger, you do not need to visit the ER.

The location is the other valuable consideration. If you pour hot water on your eye, genital, ears, feet or hands, you will need to visit the ER. However, this will depend on how severe the burn was. If it starts to cause a lot of swelling and the pain gets worse with time, you need to visit the ER. If it is in the eye, you will always need to visit the ER. Losing vision due to a hot liquid in your eye is quite easy. However, the medical experts at Frontline ER can help to avoid this issue.

The depth is also significant. If the burn is profound, it will usually blister almost immediately. It will also cause a grayish discoloration. You must also head to the ER if the burn covers a massive area of your body. Any slight blistering could be infected quite fast if you have a large burn.

I Broke A Bone. Should I Go To The ER?

A broken bone will depend on the kind of break you have. If the bone is poking out through the skin, you should visit the ER. In most cases, if it is a bone in the ankle, wrist, hand, or foot, it is fixable at an urgent care center. However, if you determine that you have broken a rib, skull, lumbar or pelvic bone, you need to rush to the ER. Some of these bones could lead to lifelong disability.

I Have A Fever. Should I Go To The ER?

Fevers have various causes. The most common is viruses. They tend to go away on their own. However, if your temperature goes above 103 degrees, you need to get to the ER.

Should the symptoms get worse, or the fever goes on for seven days or more,  you need to get to Frontline ER.


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