25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Type 2 Diabetes

25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes, and type 2 diabetes at that, is one of the most common conditions in the world with just under 30 million people in the U.S. alone living with type 2 diabetes. It is a life-long condition with those living with it having to manage it in most cases for the rest of their lives. Most people living with type 2 diabetes have at one time or the other experienced a diabetic emergency, and have had to visit an ER to be assessed. This article will look to highlight some of the reasons to visit an ER for type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes and all of a sudden you notice a significant increase or decrease in urination, then you should head over to the ER as soon as you can.

If you have type 2 diabetes and are also experiencing excessive thirst, then you should also ensure you head over to the ER as soon as possible.

Sudden weight loss in those that have type 2 diabetes should also be taken seriously and one should also ensure they head over to the ER as soon as they can.

Another red flag to look for if you have type 2 diabetes is if you are experiencing extreme vomiting and nausea. In such a case you should visit an ER as soon as possible.

If you also record readings of blood glucose in the extremes, that is either too high or too low, then you should also ensure you visit an ER to be assessed.

The folks over at frontlineer.com also point out that those that have type 2 diabetes and are experiencing high fever, with temperature readings of over 101 degrees Fahrenheit should also visit an ER.

Loss of consciousness in people with type 2 diabetes is also another diabetic emergency that should be taken seriously and one should definitely visit an ER.

If you have diabetes and start experiencing a drooping face, then you should immediately visit an ER as this is a sign you may be having a stroke.

Slurred speech in those with type 2 diabetes should also be taken seriously and should also lead to a visit to an ER to be checked out.

If you have type 2 diabetes and are experiencing swelling or pain in the extremities, then you shouldn’t waste any more time and you should visit an ER.

Another red flag to keep an eye out for is if you have type 2 diabetes and you develop blue or numb hands or feet. This is yet another reason to visit an ER.

If you have type 2 diabetes and start experiencing seizures, then the experts over at frontlineer.com strongly recommend that you visit an ER as soon as possible.

A sense of confusion in people with type 2 diabetes should also be taken seriously and should lead to one visiting an ER.

If you have type 2 diabetes and you start experiencing intense stomach or abdominal pain, then you should also ensure you visit an ER to be assessed.

Another reason to visit an ER for type 2 diabetes is if you have it and also develop a fruit-scented breath.

If you type 2 diabetes is causing you to develop changes in movement and balance, you should also ensure you visit an ER.

If you also have type 2 diabetes and you also develop intense muscle weakness, then you should ensure you get yourself to an ER as soon as possible to be checked out.

Another red flag for those living with type 2 diabetes to look out for, something that as per frontlineer.com should lead to them visiting the ER, is they develop sudden and unexplained exhaustion.

If you have type 2 diabetes and you start developing a shortness of breath, you should also visit an ER for assessment as soon as you can.

If you are also experiencing chest pains for longer than one minute, and have type 2 diabetes, then you should visit an ER as soon as possible as this is a sign of a heart attack.

Another reason we can’t fail to mention is if you have type 2 diabetes and on top of that you start experiencing blurred vision.

Sores, cuts or blisters on the feet in people with type 2 diabetes should be taken very seriously as they could eventually lead to an amputation. If you develop any unexplained sores, cuts or blisters you should head over to the ER to be checked out.

Another reason to visit an ER for type 2 diabetes is if on top of your type 2 diabetes you develop a dry or flushed skin.

If you have type 2 diabetes and are experiencing weakness on one side of the body, then as per frontlineer.com, you should ensure you visit an ER as soon as possible.

A person with type 2 diabetes should also visit an ER if they observe dark pee when they urinate.

The above are some of the reasons that should lead to a visit to an ER for type 2 diabetes, with more on this and other topics to be found over at frontlineer.com.


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