25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Fever

25 Reasons to Visit an ER for Fever

One of the most conditions out there is a fever since everyone can attest to have had one at one particular time or the other. It is usually easy to treat, with rest, taking in fluids and even over-the-counter medications being ways to deal with it at home. However, there are times when a fever may be indicative of a much serious condition; serious enough to warrant one visiting an ER. This article will look to highlight a number of reasons why you should make sure you visit an ER for fever.

Fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in infants, that is children younger than 90 days should be taken seriously and the infant should be taken to an ER as soon as possible.

For babies between 90 days and 36 months old should be taken to the ER as soon as possible if their fever spikes above 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Children older than 36 months should be rushed to the ER to be looked at if their fever has a reading of 102 degrees Fahrenheit and which has been at that level for more than two days.

If the fever is accompanied by a rash in babies and infants, then the next thing to do should be ensuring they visit an ER to be checked out.

Fever as well as vomiting in infants and babies is yet another reason that should lead to a visit to the ER for emergency services.

Infants with fever and are having difficulty waking up to feed, as is recommended over at frontlineer.com, should be rushed to the ER as soon as possible.

If the fever is accompanied by difficulty breathing in infants as well as babies, then the next logical step is ensuring they are taken to an ER as soon as possible.

If the infant also has a fever and can’t stop crying, no matter how much you try to console them, they should also be taken to an ER.

Another reason to visit an ER for fever is if the fever is accompanied by an inability to keep fluids down in babies.

If your baby or infant has a fever and has not urinated for a while as they are supposed to, then you should take them to the ER to be checked out.

If your baby has a fever and hasn’t been immunized, you should ensure that they are taken to the ER as soon as you can.

Another reason worth visiting an ER for fever is if the fever is accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating in children, as per frontlineer.com.

If one has a fever as well as a stiff neck, then the next course of action should be to ensure they get over to the ER to be assessed.

Fever accompanied by abdominal pain is yet another reason to ensure one heads over to the ER and gets attended to.

If one is also experiencing fever as well as a strong headache, then visiting an ER should be next on their agenda.

Another reason that should ensure one heads over to the ER for fever is in situations where the fever has lasted for more than two days, that is in adults.

If one presents with a fever and they have undergone recent chemotherapy, then they should also ensure they visit an ER to be assessed.

Another reason to visit an ER for fever as is covered in detail over at frontlineer.com is if one has a fever and they have HIV/AIDS.

For those taking medication that has the effect of compromising their immune system, then if they present with a fever they should also visit an ER.

Another situation that has to be taken very seriously is if one has a fever that has gone over 106 degrees Fahrenheit in adults. This situation should be taken seriously as this rise in temperature can lead to comas and brain damage.

If one also has a fever as and they have a cut or wound on the skin that is producing thick green, tan, yellow or white fluid from it, then visiting an ER should be the next thing on their agenda.

Another situation that should be treated with the seriousness it deserves by visiting an ER is if one experiences a fever accompanied by backache.

If one is experiencing a fever without sweating having been out in the sun for a while or having been at an extremely hot place or even having done some physically exerting exercises, then they should visit an ER as soon as they can as this is usually a clear sign of heat stroke.

If the fever one is experiencing is accompanied by loss of consciousness, then as is covered over at frontlineer.com, one should head over to the ER as soon as possible.

Another reason to visit an ER for fever is if the fever is accompanied by swollen legs.

The above are some of the reasons that should ensure one visits an ER for fever with more on the same to be found over at frontlineer.com.


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