Pediatrics : General Appearance

General Appearance Appears undistressed, clean, well-kept, and without body odors Muscle tone: Erect head posture is expected in infants after 4 months of age Make eye contact when addressed (expect infants) Follows simple commands as age-appropriate Uses speech, language, and motor skills spontaneously Skin Assess skin for color, texture, temperature, moisture, turgor, lesions, acne, and […]

Pulse Rate : Grading of Pulses

Pulse Rate Grading of Pulses Grade Description 0 Not palpable +1 Difficult to palpate, thready, weak, easily obliterated with pressure +2 Difficult to palpate, may be obliterated with pressure +3 Easy to palpate, not easily obliterated with pressure (normal) +4 Strong, bounding, not obliterated with pressure Newborn: 110 to 160/min (depending on activity) 1 week […]

Temperature measurement in pediatrics

Temperature measurement in pediatrics Ask the Question PICOT Question: In infants and children, what is the most accurate method for measuring temperature in febrile children? Search for the Evidence Search Strategies Clinical research studies related to this issue were identified by searching for English publications within the past 15 years for infant and child populations; […]

Physical Assessment

Physical Assessment Anthropometric Measurements Height, weight, and circumference Weigh the child, taking two measurements and averaging them Calculate BMI BMI under the 5th percentile indicated the child is underweight BMI over the 85th percentile correlates with overweight Measure the infant’s head circumference (up to age 2 to 3 years) Examination techniques Inspection Purposeful observation of […]