Emergency Headache: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Headache: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com A headache is one of the most common illnesses out there and if you have never experienced one, then chances are you will one of this days. In most cases a headache is usually due to stress or having had a long day at work, and is usually […]
Emergency Head Injury: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Head Injury: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com When we talk about head injuries what we mean is trauma to the scalp, skull or the brain. As such, head injuries can either be internal or external. Internal brain injuries are basically injuries affecting the skull or the brain while external brain injuries are those that […]
Emergency Fever: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Fever: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com Fever is one of those symptoms that most of us, if not all of us, have experienced at one time or the other. In adults, if the body temperature is above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, then it is considered to be a fever. In most cases, fevers are not […]
Emergency Dizziness: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Dizziness: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com Feeling dizzy is one of those conditions that is common and it is likely that you may have experienced it at one time or the other. When you are feeling dizzy, you may either be experiencing lightheadedness or vertigo. Lightheadedness may cause you to feel dizzy and you […]
Emergency Diarrhea: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Diarrhea: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com Loose or watery stool which may occur multiple times a day is what is referred to as diarrhea. It is something we may have experienced at one time or the other, mostly after a barbeque or eat-out or that sort of thing. Acute diarrhea, or diarrhea that comes […]
Emergency Chest Pain: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Chest Pain: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com Chest pain is one of those symptoms that if you experience it, then you are likely to panic, and rightly so. This is because, chest pain is one of the tell-tale signs of a heart attack, a condition that we all know to be life-threatening and one […]
Emergency Asthma: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Asthma: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com Asthma, a condition where one’s airways become inflamed, swell and thus narrow and produce extra mucus making it difficult for them to breathe is actually more common than you may think, afflicting a significant amount of the population in the U.S. Asthma is one of those conditions that […]
Emergency Abscesses: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Abscesses: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com We all know the functioning of the body when it comes to fighting infection, and the role of white blood cells. What happens is that the body’s immune system sends white blood cells to the area of the body that is infected so as to fight off the […]
Emergency Abdominal Pain: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com
Emergency Abdominal Pain: Why You Should Visit frontlineer.com It is safe to say that most of us, if not all of us, have at one time or the other suffered from abdominal pain, which is commonly referred to as stomach pain. It is one of those symptoms that are quite common, and indicate a number […]
Common Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries and When to Go to the Emergency Room
Common Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries and When to Go to the Emergency Room There has been a very concerted effort to improve vehicle safety from safety awareness campaigns to crackdowns on reckless driving. Car companies have also been ramping up on safety features with every new release of their cars, having realized that folks now […]