Psychiatric Emergencies: Emergency Room Tips 

Psychiatric Emergencies: Emergency Room Tips  Most people know when to call an ambulance or bring their loved ones to the emergency room when they seem physically ill. But identifying a psychiatric or mental health emergency can sometimes be difficult. A psychiatric emergency is a severe disturbance of conduct, mood or thoughts of a patient which […]

Fainting, Sudden Dizziness: Emergency Room Tips

Fainting, Sudden Dizziness: Emergency Room Tips A person encounters dizziness when he or she feels lightheaded, unbalanced or woozy. Dizziness mostly affects sensory organs like the eyes and the ears. It’s important to note that feeling dizzy is not a disease. Instead, it is a symptom of various disorders in the body. In most situations, […]

Injuries Requiring Stitches: Emergency Room Tips

Injuries Requiring Stitches: Emergency Room Tips You are busy chopping food for lunch or dinner and slice yourself accidentally. Your child is playing on gravel or is enjoying his bike ride and gets gashed. What do you do when these happens? It’s quite easy to decide on what to do about primary scrapes and scratches, […]

Asthma Attacks: Emergency Room Tips

Asthma Attacks: Emergency Room Tips Asthma is a condition characterized by the inflammation and obstruction of the passages that allow air to enter and leave the lungs.  These passages are known as the bronchial tubes. During an asthma attack, the muscles that surround these tubes tighten, and produce extra mucus which in turn makes it […]

Minor Burns: Emergency Room Tips 

Minor Burns: Emergency Room Tips  Burns are injuries occurring to the skin and underlying tissue.  Skin damage resulting from burns can be small or big; it depends on the heat’s intensity, the total area of tissues burned, and the length of exposure to the skin. In this article, we shall focus on minor burns,  commonly […]

Sudden or Severe Pain: Emergency Tips

Sudden or Severe Pain: Emergency Tips Severe pain is disabling and can prevent you from performing normal activities during the day or sleeping at night. It can also affect your social life and when it intensifies, holding a conversation becomes extremely difficult, and your physical activity is likely to become severely impaired. Acute pain occurs […]

High-Speed Motor Vehicle Accidents: Emergency Room Tips 

High-Speed Motor Vehicle Accidents: Emergency Room Tips  As you leave your house daily to go to work, school or run errands, you or your loved ones don’t expect to get into a car accident.  However, the unforeseen can happen on the roads on any given day. Speeding is the leading cause of car accidents, and […]

Minor Head Injuries: Emergency Room Tips 

Minor Head Injuries: Emergency Room Tips  A head injury happens when there is any damage to the scalp, brain or skull. It can range from a mild bruise or bump to a traumatic brain injury. Minor head injuries are prevalent in people of all ages and hardly result in permanent brain damage. It can be […]

Accidental Medication Ingestion:  Emergency Room Tips 

Accidental Medication Ingestion:  Emergency Room Tips  Unintentional overdoses may occur as a result of over-prescription, failure to identify a drug’s active ingredient or unknowing ingestion by small children. Parents and adults should be careful about where they stash their medications, as it poses a great danger when children get ahold of them. Chances are, on […]

Animal Bites: Emergency Room Tips 

Animal Bites: Emergency Room Tips  Nothing can prepare an adult or child from being attacked by dogs, cats, hamsters; raccoons, and squirrels. However, knowing what to do immediately after being bitten can greatly benefit you. Often, bites are associated with family pets like dogs and cats. This normally occurs when the pets are teased or […]