Low-Speed Motor Vehicle Accidents Emergency Room Tips

Low-Speed Motor Vehicle Accidents Emergency Room Tips As the name suggests, a low-speed car accident is generally considered to be an accident involving vehicles traveling 10 miles per hour or less. Some typical examples of low-speed car accidents are a rear-end collision with a vehicle that has stopped at an intersection or at a stop […]

Possible Broken Bones: Emergency Room Tips

Possible Broken Bones: Emergency Room Tips Broken bones or a crack in the bone are a more straightforward definition of a fracture. Fractures occur in any bone in the body and can penetrate and damage the surrounding skin (compound fracture or an open fracture). A closed fracture, on the other hand, refers to a break […]

Difficult Breathing: Emergency Room Tips

Difficult Breathing: Emergency Room Tips Difficulty in breathing is a condition that arises when one is unable or uncomfortable to take in the oxygen required for normal metabolic activities in the body. During this moment, the person feels deprived of enough air. The condition can be due to several factors or causative agents. Nonetheless, difficulty […]

Cuts, Abrasions and Deep Bruises: Emergency Room Tips

Cuts, Abrasions and Deep Bruises: Emergency Room Tips Wounds comprise injuries that remove or break the skin. They can be cuts, abrasions, or bruises. Some grazes, deeps bruises, and scrapes are treatable at home. However, you might need to visit an ER such as FrontLine ER for others. In general, any breakage of the skin […]

Radiology Results in 10 Minutes: Emergency Room Tips

Radiology Results in 10 Minutes: Emergency Room Tips Millions of people in the US find themselves in a medical care facility at least once each year. Usually, no one is happy when this happens to them; and regardless of whether you call 911 and arrive by ambulance, or have a friend rush you to the […]