10 Steps for Better Teen’s Health

10 Steps for Better Teen’s Health

Teenagers go through many changes. This is a time where your body gets to undergo all sorts of changes. You may notice that your old shoes no longer fit, or trousers have become three inches shorter.

Along with these changes, you are also becoming more independent and can make big choices. One of the main decisions you ought to make is health habits which include a healthy diet and being physically active. In this article FrontLine ER will guide you on making healthy choices about your physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral health.

Choose Healthy Foods and Drinks

Your body requires energy to function and grow.  The calories from any food or drink that you take are what gives you the drive for the day.  Healthy eating involves; controlling the food you eat, the beverages you choose, and the amount you consume. Avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Replace them with vegetables and fruits, whole grains like wheat bread or oatmeal, fat-free or low-fat dairy foods and low-fat proteins.

Manage And Control Your Weight

Most teens try to lose weight by eating less or nothing at all. Getting rid of whole group foods such as carbohydrates, skipping meals or fasting, are unhealthy approaches to losing weight. Your body ends up lacking the essential nutrients. According to FrontLine ER, unhealthy dieting could get in the way of managing your weight, and you could end up overeating because you are starving. Poor dieting can also affect your mood and growth.

Limit Added Sugar

Fruits are naturally sweet. However, other foods such as baked desserts, ice-creams as well as some beverages contain added sugars to make them delicious. The sugars are unhealthy because they only add calories but not fiber or vitamins which are considered healthier. Choose to reach for a banana or an apple instead of a candy car.

Control Your Food Portions

The amount of food you consume at one time is known as a portion. Whether you are in a school, in a restaurant or at home, learn to control the amount of food you take.

Most people tend to consume huge portions than they need, especially if they are away from home. Fast foods from a restaurant can give you more than what your body requires to charge up. Frequent habits can lead to weight gain. You can choose smaller and healthier portions such as a salad or wrap instead of chicken and fries.

Get Moving

Being physically active should be part of your daily lifestyle. Whether you take physical education (PE) classes, play sports, ride your bike or walk, regular physical activities can help you stay fit and manage your ideal weight, be more flexible, and have stronger bones. You could even download fitness apps on your smartphone or computer to help you keep track of your daily activities.

Get Enough Sleep

It’s not easy to get enough sleep especially if you have a job, are helping to care for your younger siblings or busy with other activities after school. Rest is essential for staying healthy. When you get enough sleep you will perform better in school, at work, you can drive safely, and your body is strong enough to fight infections. Inadequate sleep can make you irritable and moody, and some studies have shown it may also contribute to weight gain.

Take Care Of Your Mind

Mental health is critical. FrontLine ER suggests that if you cannot avoid stress, find ways of coping with them. Managing your stress will help you remain calm and function well during such situations. Develop a balance between work, school, and social life.  Limit your activities to the most important ones. Overextending yourself can lead to frustration and exhaustion.

Drive Safely

When driving, always use a seatbelt, and try as much as you can to avoid riding in a car full of other teenagers, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It can distract the driver and is more likely to cause an accident. Remember also, never get into a car with a driver who is drunk.

Protect Your Self

Wear a helmet or any protective headgear when riding a bike or playing sports to prevent concussions and facial injuries. FrontLine ER has a reason to believe that having concussions at a young age can affect your growth and have long-term adverse effects on your health. Also, stay away from situations that may lead to fighting and violence.

Practice Safe Sex

When you have sex, it is important to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). For sexually active girls, discuss with your doctor on the use of contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

FrontLine ER concludes that maintaining healthy habits can help you to give your best in sports, work or school.  It can also help prevent diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, increase your self-esteem and help you to become a better person.


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