10 Reasons to Use an Emergency Room for Urinary Tract Infections

10 Reasons to Use an Emergency Room for Urinary Tract Infections

When bacteria enter into any part of the urinary tract, from the bladder, urethra, ureters and even the kidneys, a urinary tract infection ensues. Urinary tract infections are actually more common than you may think and it is something that a number of people go through. However, most cases of urinary tract infections are usually not serious and at the most can be handled in detail over at an urgent care clinic. Just like many other medical conditions, there are instances of urinary tract infections that may require emergency medical attention and hence one may need to go to the emergency room. There are a number of reasons as to why you should use an emergency room for urinary tract infections and this article will look to highlight 10 of these reasons.

  1. One of the reasons why you should use an emergency room for urinary tract infections is because there you will access the best diagnostic testing facilities. Emergency rooms have the expertise in terms of the staff as well as the facilities to carry out urinalysis and urine dipstick tests as well as the knowledge to interpret these tests accurately.
  2. Other than the above diagnostic tests, emergency rooms also have the capacity both in terms of personnel and facilities to carry out more complex diagnostic tests, as is the case over at frontlineer.com. This includes obtaining of urine cultures among others to diagnose more complicated cases of urinary tract infections, otherwise known as upper UTIs.
  3. Another very important reason to use an emergency room for urinary tract infections is due to the fact that the staff and physicians there have an intimate knowledge of local and national patterns as far as the susceptibility patterns of the most likely pathogens within your area. This makes for more effective treatment which is what you want if you have the infection.
  4. Yet another reason to use an emergency room is because emergency rooms have the facilities and the personnel to handle cases of urinary tract infections in pregnant women. This is why, as is explained in detail over at the excellent frontlineer.com, cases of UTI in pregnant women are always only handled in an emergency room.
  5. Other than having the capabilities to cater for cases of UTI in pregnant women, another reason to use an emergency room for urinary tract infections is due to the fact that they also have the capabilities to treat other special groups such as patients with physical or anatomic disabilities as well as instrumented patients; something that can’t be said for the other treatment facilities such as urgent care clinics.
  6. The fact that emergency rooms provide patients with treatment with antibiotics is yet another reason why you should use them for urinary tract infections. There, you will find a wide array of options as far as antibiotics are concerned, all of which are discussed in detail over at frontlineer.com, with the staff and physios being highly knowledgeable to know which ones to prescribe as well as in which dosages.
  7. Other than the above antibiotics, emergency rooms also have the facilities and staff to provide IV antibiotics when needed, especially in more complex or upper urinary tract infections. This, as one may expect, may not be found in the other treatment facilities which is why you should look to use an emergency room when it comes to urinary tract infections.
  8. Yet another very key reason to use an emergency room for urinary tract infections is because there one may receive more specialized treatment if they need it; something that is true for the excellent and highly rated frontlineer.com. These specialized treatments include prescription of topical hormone infections in postmenopausal women who suffer from frequent urinary tract infections, a flexible ring that is inserted inside the vagina known as Estring and many others. obviously, such treatments may not be available in the other treatment facilities.
  9. Another reason to use an emergency room for urinary tract infections is due to the fact that there you will find facilities for hospitalization and admission when required. This may be required in severe cases, especially those with complications or cases of upper urinary tract infections. The physician may deem it fit to keep you for treatment and close monitoring hence. This is not a facility that can be found in the other treatment facilities such as urgent care clinics.
  10. Another reason to use an emergency room for urinary tract infections is because when you go there you will have access to specialists, if and when you need them. These specialists include board-certified OB/GYNs for cases of urinary tract infections in pregnant women, urologists, emergency medicine specialists among others depending on your situation. Such specialists can’t be found in an urgent care clinic.

Remember, if after reading this article you are in need of an excellent emergency room facility to head to, then you should look no further than the excellent frontlineer.com


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