10 Reasons to Use an Emergency Room for Burns

10 Reasons to Use an Emergency Room for Burns

Believe it or not, we are always under the threat of suffering from burns from the various activities we get ourselves involved in daily. From preparing food in the kitchen on the stove, to straightening our hair, to the various electronics in the house and even from our work. In fact, I’m sure majority of us have suffered from burns at one point or the other. In most cases, burns are minor and can be handled at home with home remedies and over-the-counter pain medication. However, there are instances of burns that require one to seek medical attention, with others requiring emergency medical attention in the emergency room. The initial care and treatment as far as burns are concerned is very important as this is what will determine healing as well as the outcomes in terms of function and appearance. This is why it is important to use an emergency room for burns to ensure that you end up on the right side of the aforementioned outcomes. There are a number of reasons to use an emergency room for your burns and this article will look to highlight 10 of them.

  1. One of the reasons to use an emergency room for burns is because emergency rooms have the staff and physicians to make effective and quick assessment as far as your burn wounds are concerned. this will enable them to establish the extent and depth of your burn injury and as such be in a position to determine which course of treatment to pursue and if one needs special procedures.
  2. Yet another reason to use an emergency room, like the excellent frontlineer.com, for burns is because there is the personnel to give effective initial treatment. This includes things like cooling of minor burns, covering partial-thickness wounds with antibiotic ointment, checking tetanus status and giving the tetanus immunization when necessary among others. In an emergency room, you will receive excellent initial care that will give you the best chance to recover fully.
  3. The emergency room also has the expertise and facilities to perform airway and respiratory care which may be required in some cases of burns. This is usually needed when dealing with inhalation burn injuries, when administering supplementary oxygen among many other situations. This is especially the case where one has been in a huge fire like say a burning building.
  4. Fluid resuscitation and calculation of fluid needs when it comes to burn patients is key and therefore another reason to use an emergency room for burns sis due to the fact that the staff and physicians there have the required knowledge when it comes to this. Like the experts over at frontlineer.com, the staff in emergency room have important knowledge on things like the Parkland formula which help in calculating fluid needs for burn victims making this a reason to sue an emergency room for burns.
  5. Another reason to use an emergency room for burns is due to the fact that there are facilities for surgery when needed. There are certain instances of burns where surgery may be required such as instances where necrotic tissue needs to be removed or instances of carpal tunnel release on burns around the wrist among many others. Emergency rooms have got the staff and facilities to perform surgery if and when it is needed.
  6. Another reason you should use an emergency room for burns is because an emergency room, as is covered in detail over at frontlineer.com, has got access to a burn center. The staff and physicians at an emergency have got the knowhow on the criteria to follow when looking to refer a patient to the burn center and which sort of burn warrant for this referral. This is an important part of using an emergency room for burns especially severe ones.
  7. Another reason to use emergency rooms for burns is because most of them have got the personnel and equipment to handle burns in children. Burns in children, although similar with the ones in adults, are different in terms of how they are dealt with and treated and as such given that emergency rooms have got the capabilities to deal with such situations makes them great to use for burns.
  8. Another reason to use an emergency room for burns is due to the fact that it caters for all burns including special types of burns such as burns with tar, electrical burns, chemical burns and many others as is covered in detail over at frontlineer.com. This is one of the reasons to use an emergency room as you will be sure that whatever burn you are suffering from; you will be attended to.
  9. Yet another reason to use an emergency room for burns is because it has the facilities to carry out whatever lab tests that may be required. As far as burns are concerned, some of the lab tests that may be required include arterial blood gas analysis, sputum culture and sensitivity, albumin test among others and an emergency room provides the facilities to have all of them done.
  10. Another reason to use an emergency room for burns is because there is access to specialists who may come in handy as far as burns are concerned. They include trauma surgeons, otolaryngologists fir cases of burns in the airways, ophthalmologists for burns in the eye among others. Such specialists can’t be found in other treatment facilities.

The above are 10 reasons why you should always use an emergency room for burns with the excellent frontlineer.com being one of the best ones out there.


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