Why Nursing Diagnosis

Why Nursing Diagnosis

  • The identification and classification of nursing phenomena began in 1973 with the First National Conference on Nursing Diagnosis.
  • General and specialty standards are written around the six steps of the nursing process.
  • It is defined in most state nursing practice acts as a legal responsibility of nursing.
  • Promotes research in nursing.

Nursing Case Management

  • Case management: A health delivery process whose goals are to provide quality healthcare, decrease fragmentation, enhance the client’s quality of life, and contain costs.
  • Managed care: A concept designed to control the balance between cost and quality of care. Individuals receive care based on need, which is determined by coordinators of the provider-ship.
  • Case manager: The individual responsible for negotiating with multiple healthcare providers to obtain a variety of services for the client.
  • Critical pathways of care (C P C’s): ​The tools for provision of care in a case management system.
  • C P C’s
    • Determine which categories of care will be provided, by what date, and by whom.
    • Nurses may be identified as case managers and are ultimately responsible for ensuring that C P C goals are achieved within the designated time dimension.
    • C P C’s may be standardized because they are intended to be used with uncomplicated cases.

Role of the nurse in psychiatry

  • Assist with the client’s successful adaptation to stressors within the environment.
  • Goals are directed toward change in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are age-appropriate/congruent with local and cultural norms.
  • The nurse is a valuable member of the interdisciplinary team.

Concept Mapping

  • A diagrammatic teaching and learning strategy that shows interrelationships among medical and nursing diagnoses, assessment data, and treatments
  • Practical, realistic, and time-saving
  • Enhance critical-thinking skills
  • Based on the components of the nursing process
  • Helps students develop a holistic view of their clients


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