Why Go the Nearest ER for Serious Burns: 10 Reasons

Why Go the Nearest ER for Serious Burns: 10 Reasons

As we go on with our daily activities, we are always exposed to burn risks. This means that at one time or the other we may have suffered some burns. Think about common daily activities such as ironing clothes, cooking of food, brewing a cup of coffee, curling our hair, and so many other activities, all carrying the risk of burns. Burns come in different types; there are those due to dry heat such as those due to a fire, those due to wet heat like when one suffers burns from steam or hot liquids, those due to radiation, the sun such as sun burns, electricity, chemicals, friction among others. When it comes to management of burns, it is usually not straight forward since burns are classified into three categories. These include first-degree burns which are mild and mostly affect the outer layer of the skin, second-degree burns which affect the epidermis and dermis and third-degree burns which are the most severe and go through the dermis and affect deeper underlying tissue. In most cases of first-degree burns, one doesn’t need to go to the ER as home remedies and over-the-counter medication will do. However, there are instances where burns should be treated as medical emergencies and this article will look to highlight 10 reasons to visit the nearest ER for serious burns.

One of the key reasons to look out for, one that should determine whether or not you head over to the nearest ER for serious burns has to do with the location of the burns. If the burns are located in sensitive areas of the body such as the eyes, ears, the face in general as well as the limbs that is the hands and feet, one should visit the nearest ER as soon as possible. The same also applies to burns on the genital areas. Burns in these areas should be taken seriously to avoid them getting permanently damaged.

Another reason to keep an eye out for and definitely one that should end with you visiting the nearest ER for serious burns is if the result of the burn is a wound which appears charred and has whitish or blackened marks. This is a telltale sign of a third-degree burn and should be taken very seriously.

The subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com are also adamant that another reason that should dictate whether or not one heads over to the nearest ER has to do with the size of the burn wound. As a rule of thumb, extensive burn wounds, that is those that are larger than the size of the palm, should be taken very seriously and in such cases one should definitely go over to the nearest ER for assessment and treatment.

Yet another reason that should see one go over to the nearest ER for serious burns is if there are signs of infection on the burn wound. Red flags to look out for as far as infection goes include redness of the burn wound, severe swelling, a strange liquid or pus being discharged from the wound as well as a strange odor coming from the burn wound. This should be handled immediately to avoid sepsis from setting in.

Another reason that should also dictate whether one heads over to the nearest ER for serious burns has to do with the appearance of the wound. If there is heavy blistering on the wound as well as the surrounding area appearing stiff, one should head over to the nearest ER pronto for treatment as this is a sign the burn may be either second-degree or third-degree.

The cause of the burn is another reason that should dictate whether one heads over to the nearest ER for serious burns or not. The folks over at frontlineer.com recommend that if the burn was due to chemical exposure like from a base or an acid among others or from exposure to radiation, one should definitely head to the nearest ER as soon as they possibly can. The same applies to electrical burns such as those due to lightening.

Burns are sometimes accompanied by other severe injuries, and this forms the basis of the next reason that should definitely lead to one going to the nearest ER for serious burns. These serious injuries accompanying burns that one should keep an eye out for include deep cuts and gashes, fractures and bone breaks, as well as head trauma.

Another reason to head over to the nearest ER has to do with the symptoms accompanying the burn. Some of the symptoms to look out for is if the burn is accompanied by a feeling of nausea, vomiting, dizzy spells, high fever as well as difficulty breathing; with all of which requiring one to head over to the nearest ER as soon as possible.

The subject matter experts over at frontlineer.com are also adamant that if the burn wound is sitting on top of a joint, such as the elbow, knee, ankle, among others, one should also go over to the nearest ER and have it attended to. This is to ensure that these very important joints don’t get permanently damaged.

Another reason to ensure one heads over to the nearest ER for serious burns has to do with the degree of pain. If the pain is so severe and it is not easing even after taking over-the-counter pain medication, then you should head over to the nearest ER. The same also applies if there is little or no pain on the burn wound and it feels numb. This is a sign you may have suffered 3rd degree burns, which damage nerves and such there is usually little pain.

The above are just a few reasons why one should visit the nearest ER for serious burns with more on this and then some to be found over at frontlineer.com.


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