When to go to Urgent Care for Hives

When to go to Urgent Care for Hives

If you or your child experience hives with itching or swelling in their mouth, throat, or eyes it can be very frightening. Hives are often a symptom of an allergic reaction. For example, they may occur if someone comes into contact with an allergen like bee venom or peanuts. If you’re experiencing hives that interfere with your ability to breathe or eat, it is important that you get medical attention immediately at an urgent care center. This is especially true if you have taken medicine for allergies (or had one recently) and these symptoms develop afterward. These can be signs of a potentially life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis (an-uh-fil-AK-sis). What happens when you have anaphylaxis?

It’s likely that hives, or urticaria, will never appear on your radar as an emergency situation. They are more of a nuisance than anything else, right? It’s important to know that even though you can live your life around them without issue, they should still be treated professionally. In addition to being itchy and uncomfortable (which is often enough incentive), if they don’t clear up within 24 hours of treatment at home, you may have a larger underlying condition such as asthma or anaphylaxis. These conditions are serious and require emergency care! Always err on the side of caution when dealing with hives.

Many cases of hives, which can be itchy and uncomfortable, are easily treated with over-the-counter antihistamines. But if you have your medication on hand, you may not need to make a trip to urgent care. Talk with your doctor about how severe your symptoms are and what other symptoms you’re experiencing before deciding whether or not it’s safe (and worth it) to go. If you suspect that anaphylaxis is causing hives (hives can indicate more dangerous allergic reactions), don’t wait—call 911 immediately!

Hives, or urticaria, are small bumps on your skin caused by a reaction in your immune system. It can be scary when they cover large parts of your body—especially when they suddenly appear and start spreading quickly. But before you head to an urgent care center, it’s important to understand what’s happening inside your body. For example, did you know that not all hives are made equal? In fact, some types of hives will subside within a few hours—which is probably a sign that you don’t need urgent care . Other types of hives can last up to four days (or longer) and have symptoms like fevers , vomiting , diarrhea , and swelling in other areas of your body.


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