When to go to Urgent Care for Hemorrhoids

When to go to Urgent Care for Hemorrhoids

Most hemorrhoids are easily treated at home. However, if you have severe pain, fever, or bleeding when you have a bowel movement, these could be signs of an infection. In these situations, it’s best to call your doctor right away so they can prescribe antibiotics and alleviate any concerns that you might have. If it is severe enough and doesn’t subside with medication after a few days or if blood becomes present in your stool when you’re not having a bowel movement, then you should head over to urgent care immediately. These symptoms can also be signs of something more serious like colon cancer or colitis. Urgent care doctors are highly skilled at diagnosing and treating all conditions of your gastrointestinal tract.

Although hemorrhoids (or piles) can be painful, you shouldn’t head straight to your local emergency room. Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins that develop in or around your anus and rectum. They can cause irritation, pain, itching, bleeding, and swelling. While they tend to get better on their own after a few days of treatment at home—with plenty of rest and fluids—there are some instances when going straight to urgent care is important: If you have severe symptoms that don’t go away with home treatments such as ice packs, stool softeners, or pain relievers . You might also want to see a doctor if you notice blood in your stool or toilet paper.

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that develop around your anus and can be painful or itchy. It’s important to learn how to treat them at home, but you should also know when to see a doctor. Many doctors will recommend heading straight for urgent care if your hemorrhoids cause rectal bleeding or pain that feels worse than childbirth pain. If your symptoms aren’t so severe, you may want to talk with your regular doctor before making an appointment.

Hemorrhoids are swelling of blood vessels around your anus and rectum, causing pain and itching. These anal varicose veins can be uncomfortable, but they don’t always require a doctor’s visit—many hemorrhoid sufferers get relief from over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin. However, if you find yourself in severe pain that doesn’t improve with over-the-counter medication or you see signs of bleeding (especially bright red blood), it might be time to visit urgent care or even schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. These could be signs of a more serious medical condition called thrombosed hemorrhoids or something more sinister—like colon cancer.


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