When to go to Urgent Care for Asthma

When to go to Urgent Care for Asthma

Signs you should head to urgent care:
-An allergic reaction caused by something specific like penicillin, bee venom, animal dander -Contact with plants like poison ivy, oak, sumac -Exposure to furry animals like cats and dogs-Any reaction triggered by touching plants like poison ivy
We’re looking at Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room Visits because there isn’t an Emergency Room Blog post

There are times when you know it’s an emergency, but other times when you’re not so sure. However, there are some clear signs that can help you figure out whether or not your allergies merit a trip to urgent care. For example, if your allergies have left you struggling to breathe and your throat is closing up, go straight to an urgent care center; in these cases, time is of the essence.

If you’re wondering when to go to urgent care, there are a few things you should consider first. To start, take a look at your symptoms: are they getting worse or is something making them more noticeable? Are you wheezing at night or waking up gasping for air? These are red flags that point to a trip to urgent care.

Some common asthma symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. There are several factors that can trigger an asthma attack or exacerbate your condition. Some triggers may be seasonal—such as pollen, dust or cigarette smoke—and others can be year-round such as pet dander or changes in weather. Discuss with your doctor what are some causes of asthma symptoms and what precautions you should take against them.

There are many possible causes of asthma symptoms. Some of these include exposure to allergens, air pollution, exercise and more. Allergens are what most people think of when they think about asthma – but only a minority of asthma cases are caused by allergies. For example, 20 percent or less of people with persistent asthma have allergies that cause their symptoms. If you’re looking at differentiating between allergic and non-allergic asthma, there are a few signs you can look out for: do you get shortness of breath during exercise or physical activity? Are your symptoms worse in your home than anywhere else? Do you get skin rashes from sweating? These all suggest your condition is allergy-related, not necessarily asthma.


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