What Should You Do When Someone Faints?

It is common for most people to feel lightheaded on occasion. Nevertheless, this light headedness may result in one fainting. Fainting is dissimilar from being unconscious or asleep. When a person faints, the condition is temporary,and the individual can be revived after some minutes. Conversely, an unconscious person does not respond to any attempts made at reviving him. Fainting is usually as a result of the blood flow present in the brain being inadequate. It could be brought about by stress, overheating, exhaustion, dehydration, grief, or illness. There are several steps that one can undertake.

Follow Steps When Someone Faints

  1. Check for breathing

The person should still be breathing. You can establish this aspect by putting your ear to the victim’s mouth to ensure you can hear breathing. If they are not breathing, it is essential to commence CPR. You should also call 911. Alternatively, you call another emergency number. Frontline ER Richmond is an excellent facility when it comes to emergencies, and one can be sure of getting assistance.

Additionally, for those still breathing, you can maintain their breathing. You should gently tilt the head of the victim besides lifting the chin. This maneuver will aid in helping air to get through the mouth and nose.

  1. Position the individual on their back

If the person has suffered no injuries and is still breathing, it is advisable to raise their legs above the heart’s level. You can kneel down next to where they are lying down and lift their legs in addition to supporting their feet on your shoulders. It will help in restoring the flow of blood to the brain.You should watch their face for indications that the person is recovering.

Belts, collars, and any other constrictive clothing should be loosened. Also, if the person is revived, it is imperative not to have them get up too quickly to diminish the likelihood of their fainting again. However, in the case that he or she does not regain consciousness within a minute, it is critical to contact an emergency number.

  1. Treat any injuries appropriately

When fainting, many people are accustomed to falling. It could lead to bruises, bumps, or cuts appearing on their body. It is vital to treat them appropriately. If any bleeding occurs, pressure should be applied.

  1. Turn the victim on their side if vomiting occurs

If the person is vomiting, turning them on their side helps to avert choking. The same solution applies if the victim is bleeding from the mouth.

  1. Staying with the person

It is essential to stay with someone until they have fully recovered since it will help in continually monitoring them. Even if it is to call 911, you should have someone else make the call as an unconscious individual is never to be left alone. If emergency help is on the way, it is still important that a person remains with the victim.

  1. Perform home care

When the victim becomes alert, you should give them fruit juice. This remedy is especially recommended if the person has diabetes or has not consumed anything in more than six hours.

  1. Avoid a repeat

After a person gains consciousness, it is critical to ensure that the fainting episode does not occur again. You can avoid triggers by removing the person from crowded or hot environments. Also, helping the victim reduce emotional stress can be instrumental. Additionally, identifying the warning signs such as feeling lightheaded is instrumental. If this happens, it is crucial to have them lie down to augment blood flow to the brain. Moreover, you can equip the person with the tip of lying down and not getting up quickly if the light headedness occurs while he or she is alone. Also, you can advise them to sit and place their head between the knees. In this way, another fainting episode can be avoided.

  1. Seek emergency services

If a person depicts some of these signs, it is vital to contact 911 or any other emergency service to reduce the risk on their life. Other than the ones already mentioned above, others include blue face or lips, asymmetrical or slow heartbeat, or the victim declares to have chest pain or is acting confused. The same solution applies if the victim is pregnant or has a known critical condition. Additionally, medical services are important if the person hit his or her head during the fall.

  1. Things not to do

It is scary when someone does not recover quickly, especially a loved one. However, there are some things that you could do due to panicking that would only worsen the situation, and should thus be avoided.

  • You should not shake, slap, or pour water on the person.
  • You should not put a pillow under their head.
  • You should not try to move them unnecessarily.
  • You should not attempt to make an unconscious individual stand up or sit.

In conclusion, knowing these tips is important in reducing the risk to someone’s life if he or she faints while you are present.


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