Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Head Trauma

Accidents, injuries, and illnesses happen every day, no matter how careful you are or what precautions you take. If you aren’t prepared to handle them on your own, it’s time to visit the emergency room. Don’t panic at the idea of this! Visiting the ER isn’t as scary as it seems once you know what to expect, and your stay will be much more comfortable if you follow these simple tips to getting the most out of your visit to the ER.

Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Head Trauma

Perhaps one of most common reasons people end up in an emergency room, head trauma can lead to complications that are life-threatening. While many people think they should be able to tough it out at home, they may not realize how serious their injuries could be. Head trauma can cause bleeding and swelling in the brain, which could lead to coma or death if left untreated. If you’ve ever suffered a head injury and experience any symptoms—such as nausea, weakness or difficulty breathing—get immediate medical attention. The sooner you’re seen, the better your chances of a full recovery.

If you’ve sustained a head injury, it’s important to be seen quickly. CT scans and MRIs can often pick up brain bleeds and other serious issues, so don’t try to diagnose yourself at home. If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, even if there doesn’t appear to be any visible trauma, call your doctor immediately or seek medical attention at an ER. Your doctor will evaluate you further and determine whether follow-up care is needed. A small bruise on your head could mean something more serious—it’s better safe than sorry.

The most serious reason that you would need to go to an emergency room is head trauma. Even if you think you are fine, it’s always good for a doctor or nurse to examine your head and determine whether there is any sign of swelling or damage. The brain is very delicate and it’s very important that even small injuries be examined by someone who knows what they’re doing. Signs of head trauma include unconsciousness, memory loss, vomiting or dizziness. It’s always better safe than sorry! If you get hit in the head a lot, especially with very hard objects, it’s also possible that you could have brain damage over time.


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