Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Chest Pains

Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Chest Pains

Everyone has that moment when they think they might be having a heart attack. If you’re experiencing chest pains, it’s smart to head straight for an emergency room. Chest pain is one of several symptoms that doctors use as warning signs of heart disease and a potential heart attack. Other symptoms include shortness of breath and upper back pain. While there are some instances where it makes sense to wait out your chest pains at home, going straight to an emergency room is almost always a good idea if you experience any kind of chest pain that feels sharp or radiates down your arm or around your jaw line. If you feel heart palpitations, stop what you’re doing and get medical attention immediately because these can also be signs of a possible heart attack.

Severe chest pains can be indicative of a heart attack, but they could also be caused by indigestion or appendicitis. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience crushing, sharp pains in your chest that radiate down your arm and are associated with nausea, sweating, fatigue and lightheadedness. If you suspect a heart attack is occurring and can’t reach emergency services via phone (you may not have time), start driving yourself or have someone else drive you immediately—even if it’s just down the street. This could save valuable minutes and increase survival rates for heart attacks.

One of top reasons people visit emergency rooms is chest pains. But if you’re experiencing discomfort in your chest, don’t rule out heartburn or indigestion as a possible cause. Heartburn happens when stomach acid and bile shoot up into your esophagus—the tube that connects your mouth and throat to your stomach—causing burning pain. Other symptoms may include burping, nausea, vomiting, gagging or feeling like you have food stuck in your throat. Indigestion is also a type of heartburn that occurs from too much stomach acid, but it may last longer than regular heartburn and often is accompanied by bloating and belching.


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