Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Abdominal Pain

Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Abdominal Pain

Pain in your abdomen can be caused by many different things including appendicitis, peptic ulcers, ovarian cysts, kidney stones and pancreatitis. It’s important to see a doctor if you have unexplained pain because it could be a sign of something serious. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes it is especially important that you see a doctor as soon as possible if you experience pain.

One of those is abdominal pain. When you have stomach aches, they usually occur in your upper abdomen, but sometimes they can be so painful that it’s difficult for people to pinpoint where exactly their pain is located. Of course, there are many causes of abdominal pain, including gastritis, gallbladder attacks and other conditions. But abdominal pains that come on suddenly need medical attention. If your stomach pain persists over several hours or if you have blood in your vomit or stool and experience weakness or fainting spells, you should head immediately to an emergency room.

You may be experiencing stomach pain because of a condition that is not life-threatening. However, you should seek medical attention immediately if your abdominal pain is accompanied by any of these symptoms: severe and persistent vomiting; blood in your vomit or stool; inability to keep liquids down for more than 24 hours; fever greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius); sudden weight loss and weakness; indigestion that does not improve after antacids are taken three times a day for two days. Call 911 if you experience chest pain or difficulty breathing, swelling in your arms or legs, headache with confusion, numbness in all four extremities (hands and feet), vision changes, weakness and dizziness when standing up quickly.


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