Types of Fractures: When to See a Doctor Near You

Types of Fractures: When to See a Doctor Near You

Bones play an important role in terms of support of our body and are therefore important for movement and locomotion of the body and its parts. It also means that they have to bear the stress and force that are as a result of the various normal activities such as lifting, walking among others. If the force exerted against a bone is stronger than the bone can withstand, then this results in a bone fracture or a bone break. Bone fractures are basically medical conditions whereby the continuity of a bone is broken. Broken fractures can occur at any time and can be due to a number of reasons. This can be due to accidents such as those involving cars or bicycles, they can also be due to sports, especially contact sports such as soccer, football among others or they can also be due to work related accidents. Since most bone fractures, as is evident from the examples of their causes mentioned, are due to high force impact, they are usually quite painful. There are also a number of types as far as bone fractures are concerned and this article will look to delve into a bit of detail on them as well as when one should head to the nearest doctor for the same, with frontlineer.com being the best place to visit for this.

First and foremost, let us have a look at the different types of bone fractures that there beginning with avulsion fractures which are fractures involving the yanking or pulling free of a muscle or ligament, pulling pieces of bone with it and is common in knee and shoulder joints. Next we have comminuted fractures which is when the bone is shattered in many small pieces, compression fractures which is when two bones are forced or crash over each other and occurs especially on the bones of the spine, fracture dislocation which is a fracture occurring when a joint dislocates as well as closed fractures which occur when the bone fractures but doesn’t break through the skin. Other types of fractures include open or compound fractures which are when the bone breaks through the skin, greenstick fractures which are when a small and slender crack occurs on the bone and is common in children due to their more flexible bones, hairline fractures which are partial fractures of the bone mostly due to stress and complicated fractures which are when structures surrounding the fracture, such as blood vessels and nerves, are injured. All of this come with signs that indicate one should see the nearest doctor as soon as possible, with frontlineer.com being the best place to visit, and this is what we will look at next.

If there is severe pain at the site of the injury that is being associated with the possible fracture, then one should be taken to see the nearest doctor as soon as possible as this is a sign that they may have suffered a bone fracture. You should also head to a doctor near you for a bone fracture, with frontlineer.com being the best place to visit, if you are experiencing heavy swelling and bruising on the injured part suspected to have suffered a fractured bone. Another instance that should without doubt lead to you going to see a doctor near you for a fracture is if you observe discoloration in the skin around the injured area. This can be observed as a bluish, greenish color and should be taken very seriously. If when you press the affected area, it turns pale and stays that way when you withdraw your finger, that is blood doesn’t rush back, then you should also see a doctor near you for a bone fracture.

Another instance that should lead to one going over to the nearest doctor for a fracture is if there is deformity of the affected area, that is it doesn’t look like it normally does due to the accident, or there is angulation as is referred to as in professional circles. This is another sign of a fracture and should be taken seriously. If you are also unable to put weight on the injured area, then you should also head over to a doctor near you to be assessed and treated for a fracture, with frontlineer.com being the best place out there to head over to. If you are also experiencing a grating sensation on the affected bone or joint, you should also go see a doctor near you as this is a sign you may have suffered a comminuted fracture. If you are also unable to move the affected area, then you should also visit a doctor near you as soon as possible for fracture assessment and treatment with the same applying if you are experiencing heavy bleeding on the affected area. The latter is a clear sign that you may have suffered an open fracture, with the bleeding due to the fact that bones are usually very highly serviced by blood. Fractures on large bones such as the femur or pelvis may bring about symptoms such as dizzy spells, nausea, vomiting among others and this too should lead to you going to see a doctor near you.

The above are some of the instances when you should go see a doctor near you for a fracture as well as information on some of the different types of fractures. Remember, frontlineer.com is the best place to visit if you are looking to be assessed and treated for a bone fracture.


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