The 5 Types of Shock: When to See a Doctor Near You

The 5 Types of Shock: When to See a Doctor Near You

The word shock is used differently by medical professionals and in medical professional circles as compared to how it is used by the general public and lay people. In the public, the word shock means the state where one has received bad news, are in a stressful situation or have just experienced a traumatic experience. This type of shock that affects the state of mind is referred to as psychological shock in professional medical circles. However, shock, in professional medical circles is a condition where the tissues and organs in the body are not receiving sufficient blood flow, which consequently means that they are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients for the normal functioning of cells. This also causes waste products to build up in these tissues and organs. Shock can result to permanent organ damage which in turn can lead to one going into a coma or even death if not treated. It is therefore important to know the symptoms of shock so that you can be able to deduce when you need to go see a doctor near you for the same, with being the best place to visit, and get treated. This is because, for shock, early diagnosis and treatment is key. This article will therefore come in handy as it will look to highlight when one needs to see a doctor near them for shock.

We are going to highlight the 5 different types of shock separately and when, for each of them, one should ensure they see a doctor near them for the same. The first type of shock we are going to highlight is one that is quite common, and is known as anaphylactic shock. This is caused by a severe allergic reaction from allergic triggers such as pollen, nuts, stings among many others. It is a life threatening condition that develops when one suffers a severe allergic reaction and as such should be treated as soon as possible. As far as anaphylactic shock is concerned, one should go see a doctor near them as soon as possible, with being the best place to visit for this, if they start to develop a decreased blood pressure, a swollen tongue or lips, a tingling sensation in the hands and feet, severe hives and rashes, constricted airway, confusion, dizziness, pale skin among others.

The next type of shock is what is referred to as cardiogenic shock and is caused by a heart attack or what is referred to as a myocardial infarction in medical professional circles. When your body is going into cardiogenic shock, it means that the flow of blood in the heart is restricted, mostly due to a clot, a situation that can lead to damage of the heart muscles and even death. Some of the red flags that indicate that you should be headed to see a doctor near you include a sudden increase in terms of your heart rate, difficulty breathing, pale skin, little or no urination, sweating and cold chills among others. The next type of shock is what is called hypovolemic shock and it occurs when the body loses 20% or more of its blood supply. This can be due to excessive bleeding after an injury or an accident. Some of the red flags to look out for, and that indicate that you should go over to the nearest doctor for assessment, with being the best place to visit, include cold chills and unexplained sweating, confusion, dizzy spells, difficulty breathing such as shallow and rapid breathing. For internal breathing, some of the signs that you need to see a doctor near you include black, tarry stools, vomiting blood as well as abdominal pain.

The fourth type of shock is what is referred to as neurogenic shock and it occurs when the pathways of the central nervous system, and especially the spinal cord in particular, are damaged. This, it needs no explaining, is a life-threatening situation and needs to be addressed as soon as possible by heading over to see a doctor near you, with being the best option out there for you. Some of the red flags for this include sudden onset low blood pressure, slowed heart rate and warm, pale skin due to the sudden vasodilation. The fifth and final type of shock is what is referred to as septic shock. This occurs when a bacterial, viral or fungal infection gets into the blood and thus is spread system-wide and all over the body. This is a very serious condition and is life-threatening if not attended to immediately. Symptoms to look out for that indicate that you need to see a doctor near you as soon as possible include high fever, low urine output, confusion, breathing problems, dizziness among others. For septic shock, it is advised that if you have an infection, you should get it treated before it spreads to the blood and sepsis sets in.

The above are the five types of shock and the instances that dictate that you should go see a doctor near you, with being the best place to visit.


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