Ten Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room Instead of an Urgent Care : Waiting time

Ten Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room Instead of an Urgent Care : Waiting time

The average wait time at a typical urgent care is around 70 minutes. If you’re feeling ill, being forced to sit and wait for almost two hours before seeing a doctor isn’t exactly ideal. In fact, it’s downright inconvenient. To avoid waiting longer than you have to, try visiting an emergency room instead of going to urgent care. Waiting times in these types of medical facilities usually last only 30 minutes on average (though they can stretch out to as long as 90 minutes). Waiting times are typically shorter in emergency rooms because patients are triaged quickly and don’t spend too much time waiting for their own appointments. Visiting an emergency room is definitely worth your while.

So if you’re looking for something more efficient and less stressful, there’s no doubt that heading to an ER will provide better results. It may even be faster in terms of driving distance; many hospital-based urgent cares are located inside or very near their host hospitals—but not all of them are within walking distance. Sometimes you might even find yourself needing to drive across town or cross state lines to get where you need to go!

If it makes sense financially, taking your loved ones to visit an emergency room instead of going straight to urgent care is definitely worth considering. Being able to spend time with your family is far too valuable a resource to spend on sitting around waiting for medical attention.

Don’t waste time when you can do something that’s just as effective at saving lives (such as visiting an ER). Emergency rooms are all about saving lives—it’s what they’re built for. And by visiting one, you’re putting yourself in expert hands. That’s why you should consider checking out one if you have any concerns whatsoever about how long it might take to get treated somewhere else. They don’t call these kinds of places emergency rooms without good reason; their resources are geared towards treating patients who are having crises and may not be available at other facilities! You should never feel like there isn’t help when you need it most—so don’t make excuses and avoid seeking treatment when you should be getting checked out right away!


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