Sprains and Broken Bones

Sprains and Broken Bones

Bones in the human body are connected with joints using ligaments and fibrous tissues. Sometimes, due to certain reasons, these ligaments and fibrous tissues may pull away or tear causing sprains. Broken bones, on the other hand, are as a result of fractures within the bone tissues. Together, these two bring about a condition known as musculoskeletal injuries.

What to Do In Case Of Broken Bones and Sprains

Sprains and broken bones are conditions that require immediate emergency services. However, in the event of such an emergency FrontLine ER advises the following first aid techniques;

Control Any Bleeding

  • Cover wounds with a loosely wrapped cloth for bones that have broken through the skin. Avoid pushing or pressing the bone as this may increase damage
  • Apply pressure directly to the bleeding area with a moist cloth or gauze.
  • Avoid moving the broken or injured areas as this only worsens the condition. You can place a rigid splint near the injury and tie it in place
  • Avoid trying to straighten the injury as this can cause more harm.
  • Avoid tightening the splint as it may deprive the supply of blood and oxygen to the affected area
  • Place an ice-cold cloth on the injury for about 20 minutes every 4 hours. This minimizes swelling and reduces the pain. Moreover, elevating the injured body part helps to ease swelling and promote blood flow.

Do not Apply Heat

The injury should not be subjected to heat during the first 24 hours after the injury. Heat increases swelling and pain. As a general rule though, use ice for severe injuries or pain, along with swelling and inflammation; and use heat for muscle pain or stiffness.

Consult the Doctor

In case of severe injuries, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The doctor will perform a thorough physical examination, MRI tests and detailed scans to find out more regarding the extent of the injury.

Diagnosis of Sprains and Broken Bones

Several fractures along the bone are visible, though could be invisible. Such fractures are characterized by pain, discoloration of the skin, fast or slow swelling or tingling and numbness of the affected areas. FrontLine ER will offer physical examinations to determine the extent of the damage of the bone. Also, our high-tech X-ray machines will help in taking images, to help ascertain the type of fracture and severity of the sprains or fractures.

Treatment of Sprains and Broken Bones

The treatment of musculoskeletal injuries involves the following methods;


A reduction is a process of manually placing the fractured bone back to its original and correct position. After diagnosis, the injured or broken bone is put into its proper place and held using a splint or traction to reduce pain and avoid inflicting damage to the adjacent tissues. This also reduces severe bleeding around the injured area.

How Can You Care For Yourself?

Caring for oneself is a significant step towards a faster healing process. FrontLine ER  recommends that patients should learn how to immobilize the bone to prevent further injuries.

Prevention Is the Goal

Nevertheless, in the case of any fractures and sprains, FrontLine ER is open all day every day for any emergencies that you may experience.


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