Should You Go to an Urgent Care for Sprains and Strains

Should You Go to an Urgent Care for Sprains and Strains

If a person has been involved in an accident, see a physician immediately. It’s important to get checked out as soon as possible after being in a car crash or other physical trauma—but there are some instances when it makes sense to visit an urgent care center instead of an emergency room. In fact, around one-third of patients who have gone to urgent care clinics have actually been referred by their physicians; most weren’t ER-worthy cases that needed immediate attention but rather problems that could be addressed at another type of facility. If you do go to an urgent care clinic, here are some reasons why they might be a better option than going straight to a hospital: Avoid long wait times : Urgent care centers tend to be pretty accommodating with their scheduling and hours.

Sprains and strains are conditions that result from injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons or nerves. The good news is that most sprains and strains heal on their own with rest and ice, although some do need medical attention. You might consider visiting an urgent care clinic if your symptoms last longer than two days or worsen after receiving initial treatment for your sprain or strain. While most cases of sprains and strains aren’t serious enough to warrant emergency care, it’s still important to determine whether your symptoms are caused by an underlying condition that requires more specialized treatment. For example, a soft tissue injury may indicate underlying issues such as arthritis or diabetes if accompanied by pain during exercise.

Just because it’s an emergency, doesn’t mean your visit to urgent care is automatically valid. Many of these facilities treat sprains and strains; however, they are generally not equipped to handle more severe medical conditions. It is important to assess your symptoms and determine whether or not your condition requires immediate attention. For example, if you have acute chest pain that was brought on by physical activity, it could be a heart attack or other cardiac event and should be treated by emergency services (9-1-1). Likewise, in some cases of abdominal pain, appendicitis should be treated with a visit to a hospital as soon as possible. Before visiting urgent care for any reason, try contacting your primary physician first.


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