Serious injury to your head, neck, or back/spine

Serious injury to your head, neck, or back/spine

If you’ve been in a serious accident and sustained an injury that affects these areas, you should absolutely head straight for an emergency room. Head injuries are delicate and can be extremely dangerous if they aren’t treated immediately, while neck and back injuries need to be attended by professional staff. In both cases, it may not always be immediately clear what treatment is required, so it’s best to play it safe until a doctor has assessed your condition in person.

If you’re feeling pain in your neck or back/spine, head and you have a headache or numbness, weakness, tingling, loss of coordination and difficulty moving your arms or legs. Seek treatment right away at an emergency room (ER). These are all signs of a possible problem with your spinal cord. It’s crucial that you be checked immediately by medical professionals so they can give you proper treatment before long-term damage occurs. Head injuries: A severe head injury can cause problems such as headaches, memory loss, personality changes and seizures. If you see blood or swelling coming from your ears or nose or feel nauseous or disoriented after being injured in an accident—even if you don’t remember it—you should get evaluated for head trauma.

If you have a head, neck, or back injury and are not sure if it’s serious, treat it as though it is. It’s better to be safe than sorry when dealing with injuries that involve your head or spine. If you have a headache or pain in your neck, ask someone to take you immediately to an emergency room (ER). Your chances of recovery will increase significantly if treated early. If you are alone in your car, call 911 and do not drive yourself. Crushed hands/feet: A crushed hand or foot may seem like something that can wait until tomorrow; however, these injuries need special attention right away. Dealing with crushed hands and feet takes patience since some of these injuries can take weeks for full recovery.


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