Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Less time spent in the office

Reasons to Visit an Emergency Room Instead of Urgent Care Clinic : Less time spent in the office

A visit to your local ER is bound to be more efficient than a trip to your primary care doctor. That’s because you won’t have any co-pays, deductibles or appointments for that matter; it’s all been taken care of by your health insurance provider. You don’t even need a referral in some cases, but keep in mind you may get charged a separate fee if one is required. The average wait time at most urgent care centers is around two hours, compared with just 15 minutes or less at many emergency rooms. You should also know that urgent care centers are not equipped to deal with serious medical emergencies or critical issues—just bumps and bruises—so if you find yourself facing something life-threatening, seek help immediately.

A visit to your local ER is bound to be more efficient than a trip to your primary care doctor.  You don’t even need a referral in some cases, but keep in mind you may get charged a separate fee if one is required. The average wait time at most urgent care centers is around two hours, compared with just 15 minutes or less at many emergency rooms. You should also know that urgent care centers are not equipped to deal with serious medical emergencies or critical issues—just bumps and bruises—so if you find yourself facing something life-threatening, seek help immediately.

It’s easier for most people to get to emergency rooms because they are open 24 hours and located in almost every part of a city. As a result, there is no need for you or your family members to wait hours or days before getting medical attention. In fact, many emergency rooms will provide you with same-day appointments so that you can be seen as soon as possible even during busy times. In addition, more than half of all emergencies require immediate care which means that if you go to an urgent care clinic, it will take time for them examine and diagnose your problem before providing any help. Urgent care clinics also tend to be farther away from residential areas making it inconvenient for people who live far away and cannot afford or find transportation options quickly enough.


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