- Preparing the family
- General principles of family education
- Establish a rapport with the family.
- Avoid using any specialized terms or jargon.
- Clarify all terms with the family.
- When possible, allow family members to decide how they want to be taught (e.g., all at once or over 1 or 2 days).
- This gives the family a chance to incorporate the information at a rate that is comfortable.
- Provide accurate information to the family about the illness.
- Assist family members in identifying obstacles to their ability to comply with the regimen and in identifying the means to overcome those obstacles.
- Then help family members find ways to incorporate the plan into their daily lives.
- Family preparation for procedures
- Name of the procedure
- Purpose of the procedure
- Length of time anticipated to complete the procedure
- Anticipated effects
- Signs of adverse effects
- Assess the family’s level of understanding
- Demonstrate and have family return demonstration (if appropriate)
- General principles of family education
- Preparing the family

Symptoms of Food Poisoning
KEY POINTS The most common symptoms of food poisoning include diarrhea, stomach pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Signs of severe food poisoning include