Possible Causes of a Migraines After A Dental Implant

Possible Causes of a Migraines After A Dental Implant

Therefore, if your dental implant is not causing your migraine what is?

One of the possibilities of the cause of your headache might be a surgical complication. There is a risk of complications when you undergo even a minor surgery like a dental implant. Damage to your sinus cavity after the surgery might cause a headache or facial pain. Additionally, nerve damage to any of the nerves in your mouth can cause a migraine although this is a rare complication. At FrontlineER.com, we advise that you seek the services of a board-certified periodontist to reduce the risk of a nerve or sinus cavity damage. Such dentists will use CT dental scans that will minimize the occurrence of such complications.

Another possibility is if the patient who has undergone a dental implant is suffering from a TMJ or a misaligned bite. In such cases, tension headaches and migraines are very common especially on the side of your head or the temples. An improper installed dental implant can lead to a misaligned bite that can result in a migraine. However, this minor issue can be treated using orthotic after a bite analysis.

The unconscious habit of grinding or clenching the teeth is what causes a TMJ. Such practices often occur when one is asleep and puts a lot of pressure on the jaw joint muscles or the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The muscles located on either side of your head over the temples will go into spam due to a lot of clenching, and the result can be a headache.

Your doctor will thoroughly examine you and seek evidence of grinding or clenching. Thus, in this is the case, your dentist will recommend some remedies that can offer immediate or long-term relief. For instance, eating of softer foods can reduce the stress on your muscles. Additionally, gentle stretching exercises and anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxants medicines can also be a source of relief. Your dentist might also advise you to wear night guards during your sleep to eliminate grinding and clenching in your sleep, which will reduce the pressure on your muscles.

Metal allergies is yet another source of headaches after an implant that has been established by the MELISA Foundation. The organisation is dedicated to the study of metal allergies. This cause rarely happens as it affects only 2 to 4% of patients, but it cannot be ignored. A metal allergy can lead to muscle pain, indigestion and headaches. In people with metal allergies, the titanium used for the development of the implant can lead to an allergic reaction. It means that the cause of a migraine or a headache is not the implant but the allergic reaction to it.

Another cause is an infection such as peri-implantitis near the implant that can also lead to swelling, bleeding or persistent pain that might be characterized by headaches.

It is vital to point out that dental implants are successful procedures and complications are usually rare. Further, if a difficulty occurs after an implant, it is likely to affect your implant rather than you.

However, if you have frequent headaches after an implant, the best thing is to see your dentist immediately.  You should also consider selecting a highly trained oral surgeon next time you need an implant, as you can trust that such a dentist will not gamble with your health.  If you are in need of an implant and you do not know where to go, visit us at Frontline ER and schedule a consultation with one of our skilled and experienced dentists.


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