- Family-Controlled Analgesia
- One family member (usually a parent) or other caregiver designated as child’s primary pain manager with responsibility for pressing PCA button
- Guidelines for selecting a primary pain manager for family controlled analgesia:
- Spends a significant amount of time with the patient
- Is willing to assume responsibility of being primary pain manager
- Is willing to accept and respect patient’s reports of pain (if able to provide) as best indicator of how much pain the patient is experiencing; knows how to use and interpret a pain rating scale
- Understands the purpose and goals of patient’s pain management plan
- Understands concept of maintaining a steady analgesic blood level
- Recognizes signs of pain and side effects and adverse reactions to opioid
- Nurse-Activated Analgesia
- Child’s primary nurse designated as primary pain manager and is only person who presses PCA button during that nurse’s shift
- Guidelines for selecting primary pain manager for family-controlled analgesia also applicable to nurse-activated analgesia
- May be used in addition to basal rate to treat breakthrough pain with bolus doses; patient assessed every 30 minutes for need for bolus dose
- May be used without a basal rate as a means of maintaining analgesia with around-the-clock bolus doses
- Intramuscular
- Note: Not recommended for pain control; not current standard of care
- Painful administration (hated by children)
- Tissue and nerve damage caused by some drugs
- Wide fluctuation in absorption of drug from muscle
- Faster absorption from deltoid than from gluteal sites
- Shorter duration and more expensive than oral drugs
- Time-consuming for staff and unnecessary delay for child
- Note: Not recommended for pain control; not current standard of care
- Intranasal
- Available commercially as butorphanol (Stadol NS); approved for those older than 18 years of age
- Should not be used in patient receiving morphine-like drugs because butorphanol is partial antagonist that will reduce analgesia and may cause withdrawal
- Intradermal
- Used primarily for skin anesthesia (e.g., before lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration, arterial puncture, skin biopsy)
- Local anesthetics (e.g., lidocaine) cause stinging, burning sensation
- Duration of stinging dependent on type of “caine” used
- To avoid stinging sensation associated with lidocaine:
- Buffer the solution by adding 1 part sodium bicarbonate (1 mEq/mL) to 9 to 10 parts 1% or 2% lidocaine with or without epinephrine
- Normal saline with preservative, benzyl alcohol, anesthetizes venipuncture site
- Same dose used as for buffered lidocaine
- Topical or Transdermal
- EMLA (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics [lidocaine and prilocaine]) cream and anesthetic disk or LMX4 (4% liposomal lidocaine cream)
- Eliminates or reduces pain from most procedures involving skin puncture
- Must be placed on intact skin over puncture site and covered by occlusive dressing or applied as anesthetic disc for 1 hour or more before procedure
- Lidocaine-tetracaine (Synera, S-Caine)
- Apply for 20 to 30 minutes
- Do not apply to broken skin
- LAT (lidocaine-adrenaline-tetracaine), tetracaine-phenylephrine (tetraphen)
- Provides skin anesthesia about 15 minutes after application on nonintact skin
- Gel (preferable) or liquid placed on wounds for suturing
- Adrenaline not for use on end arterioles (fingers, toes, tip of nose, penis, earlobes) because of vasoconstriction
- Transdermal fentanyl (Duragesic)
- Available as patch for continuous pain control
- Safety and efficacy not established in children younger than 12 years of age
- Not appropriate for initial relief of acute pain because of long interval to peak effect (12 to 24 hours); for rapid onset of pain relief, give an immediate-release opioid
- Orders for “rescue doses” of an immediate-release opioid recommended for breakthrough pain, a flare of severe pain that breaks through the medication being administered at regular intervals for persistent pain
- Has duration of up to 72 hours for prolonged pain relief
- If respiratory depression occurs, possible need for several doses of naloxone
- Vapo-coolant
- Use of prescription spray coolant, such as Fluori-Methane or ethyl chloride (Pain-Ease); applied to the skin for 10 to 15 seconds immediately before the needle puncture; anesthesia lasts about 15 seconds
- Some children dislike cold; may be more comfortable to spray coolant on a cotton ball and then apply this to the skin
- Application of ice to the skin for 30 seconds found to be ineffective
- EMLA (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics [lidocaine and prilocaine]) cream and anesthetic disk or LMX4 (4% liposomal lidocaine cream)
- Rectal
- Alternative to oral or parenteral routes
- Variable absorption rate
- Generally disliked by children
- Many drugs able to be compounded into rectal suppositories
- Regional Nerve Block
- Use of long-acting local anesthetic (bupivacaine or ropivacaine) injected into nerves to block pain at site
- Provides prolonged analgesia postoperatively, such as after inguinal herniorrhaphy
- May be used to provide local anesthesia for surgery, such as dorsal penile nerve block for circumcision or for reduction of fractures
- Inhalation
- Use of anesthetics, such as nitrous oxide, to produce partial or complete analgesia for painful procedures
- Side effects (e.g., headache) possible from occupational exposure to high levels of nitrous oxide
- Family-Controlled Analgesia

Symptoms of Food Poisoning
KEY POINTS The most common symptoms of food poisoning include diarrhea, stomach pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Signs of severe food poisoning include