Nursing Care of the family and child with a chronic or complex condition

Nursing Care of the family and child with a chronic or complex condition


Affecting of factors affecting family adjustment


Factors Affecting Adjustment Assessment Question
Available Support System
Status of marital relationship To whom do you talk when you have something on your mind? (If answer is not the spouse, ask for the reason.)
Alternate support systems When something is worrying you, what do you do?
What helps you most when you are upset?
Ability to communicate Does talking seem to help when you feel upset?
Perception of the Illness or Disability
Previous knowledge of disorder Have you ever heard the word (name of diagnosis) before? Tell me about it (if answer is yes).
Imagined cause of disorder What are your thoughts about the causes of the disorder?
Effects of illness or disability on family How has your child’s illness or disability affected you and your family?
How has your lifestyle changed?
Coping Mechanisms
Reactions to previous crises Tell me one time you’ve had another crisis (problem, bad time) in your family. How did you solve that problem?
Reactions to the child Do you find yourself being a little more cautious with this child than with your other children?
Childrearing practices Do you feel as comfortable disciplining this child as your other children?
Influence of religion  Has your religion or faith been of help to you? Tell me how (if answer is yes).
Attitudes  How is this child different from the siblings or other children of similar age?
Describe your child’s personality. Is it easy, difficult, or in between?
When you think of your child’s future, what thoughts come to mind?
Available Resources
What parts of your child’s care are causing the most difficulty for you or your family?
What services are available to help?
What services do you need that currently are not available?
Concurrent Stresses
What other problems are you facing now? (Be specific; ask about financial, marital, sibling, and extended family or friends concerns.)


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