Nausea, digestive issues

Nausea, digestive issues

Nauseous and have abdominal cramps? You may need some Pepto or Imodium, but you can probably wait a day before you head out. Odds are it’s something minor that will resolve itself on its own with a little rest and relaxation. Yes, in rare cases it could be appendicitis or something else severe—but you’re not going to know for sure unless you make an appointment with your doctor first. So save your ER visit for one of these three reasons: 1) if your symptoms get worse; 2) if they persist beyond 24 hours; 3) if they suddenly appear when you don’t have a history of them (e.g., shoulder pain after years of relatively healthy shoulders).

If you have symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea—or if they last longer than 24 hours—you should call your doctor and make an appointment for later that day. Even if you are unsure of your diagnosis, being proactive is better than playing it safe. These symptoms could also be a sign of a more serious problem like appendicitis or ovarian cancer; getting immediate attention can save your life.


If you feel sick in your stomach and it’s accompanied by any of these additional symptoms, you should call 911 or go straight to an emergency room: A fever of 102°F or higher. Having trouble breathing. Vomiting a bright red blood color. Bleeding that won’t stop despite direct pressure. If you have any questions, talk with your doctor—you may just have gastroenteritis (which is also better treated at a hospital) but it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to potential infections like E coli and salmonella. If you don’t know what is wrong with you, err on the side of caution and head to a hospital for care.


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