Muscle Strains: When to See a Doctor Near You

Muscle Strains: When to See a Doctor Near You

Due to the stress they are subjected to in our day to day activities, muscles are bound to suffer strains and sprains. From exercises, taking part in sports, doing chores at home or from physical exertion from work, we are bound to suffer muscular aches and pain at one point or the other. While muscle themselves are well adapted to withstand a lot of the physical exertion they are put through, when we over use them or we put them under too much physical stress, more than they can handle, that is when muscle strains tend to occur. In most cases, especially for minor muscle strains, home remedies are usually enough for the healing of the injured muscle and in getting it back into peak condition. The pain caused by the muscle strain can be remedied through the R.I.C.E technique, which involves rest, icing, compression and elevation of the part with the strained muscle. There are however instances where the muscle strain is severe and as such home remedies such as the R.I.C.E technique won’t be enough. In such cases, you will need to go over and see a doctor near you to be assessed and treated for the same, with being the best place to visit for this. The challenge is knowing when home remedies will do, and when you need to go see a doctor near you for the muscle strain, something this article will look to clear up by highlighting the signs to look out for, that will tell you that you need to go see a doctor.

One should definitely go and see a doctor near them if the muscle strain they have suffered is causing them to lose serious muscle movement. This means that if you are finding it difficult to move the muscle after suffering a strain, or can’t even move it at all, then you should head over to a doctor near you to be assessed as soon as you can. Another instance that should lead to you going to see a doctor near you, with being the best place to visit for this is if you cannot put any weight on the area where you suffered the muscle strain. This is usually a sign of a serious strain and you should therefore have it looked at just to be sure. If you suffer a muscle strain and immediately start to feel severe pain, that is not easing with the R.I.C.E technique, and to add to the pain, the injured area is swollen and feels warm to the touch, then you also need to see a doctor near you as soon as possible for the muscle strain.

Sometimes the muscle strain may be having accompanying symptoms, such as joint stiffness of the joint close to the strained muscle in the morning, as well as numbness and fever. When this happens, then you need to ensure that you go and see a doctor near you as soon as possible to be treated for this as soon as you can, with the best option out there for you to visit being If you strain muscles in your back and the pain that you were feeling in the sprained area in your back, especially the lower back, spreads to your legs, then this is another red flag that indicates that you should definitely head over to a doctor near you to be assessed as soon as you can. Sometimes one may judge the muscle strain to be minor and as such decide to have it taken care of at home with home remedies. However, if you decide to go with this route, if the pain due to the muscle strain persists for a few days without easing, then you should also head over to a doctor near you and have it assessed. The same applies if the pain not only persists, but actually worsens. In this case, you should not persevere for long, and if the pain worsens throughout one day, instead of waiting for a few days, you should head over to see a doctor as soon as you can.

Age also plays an important role in determining if one should go and see a doctor near them for muscle strain or not. It is advised by the subject matter experts over at, which is also the best place to visit for the same, that if the person who has suffered the muscle strain is a child or someone of old age, that is over the age of 65, then they should be taken to see a doctor near them for assessment. This is because people from these two age demographics are likely to be unable to take certain medications to ease the strain and they may also be more sensitive. The same applies to women who are pregnant or are breastfeeding. You should also ensure you go see a doctor near you as soon as possible if the muscle strain is accompanied by open cuts and wounds, especially if there is bleeding. This is to ensure the bleeding is stemmed and blood loss is prevented as well as preventing the wound from being infected.

The above are some of the instances as far as muscle strains are concerned, where you should go see a doctor near you, with being the best place to visit for this.


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