ER Near Me: 10 Reasons to Go to the Emergency Room for Heart & Vascular
Of all the organs and organ systems in the body, the heart and the vascular system is among the most important. This is evident in the fact that if you have heart and vascular system issues, then it is in most cases a medical emergency that requires immediate attention with most of them being life-threatening. These health conditions usually require immediate medical attention as in most cases, failure to do so leads to damage to the heart and its muscles as well as damage to major blood vessels. There are a number of vascular and heart conditions, most of which require one to go to the emergency room for immediate medical attention, with heart attacks being one of the most common ones. this article will look to highlight 10 reasons to go to the emergency room as far as heart and vascular conditions are concerned and it is our hope that will be a great resource.
The most common sign as far as heart and vascular conditions go is severe chest tightness and pain. If you start to experience unexplained severe chest tightness and pain, then this should always be taken seriously as it indicates some very serious heart and vascular conditions such as cardiac arrest, aortic dissections and many others.
Another reason to go to the Emergency room as far as heart and vascular conditions go is if one is experiencing breathing problems. The subject matter experts over at always insist that breathing problems be taken seriously and that is because they are usually a sign of serious heart and vascular conditions such as heart attacks. Shortness of breath is a common sign of breathing problems.
Yet another reason to go to the emergency room for heart and vascular conditions is if you are experiencing persistent, severe and deep abdominal pain. Abdominal pain is usually a tell-tale sign of an abdominal aortic aneurysm as well as an aortic dissection which are all conditions that should be taken very seriously, least of which they involve the body’s main blood vessel, the aorta.
Another sign that indicates that one should go to the emergency room as soon as possible when it comes to heart and vascular conditions is if one losses consciousness. Loss of consciousness should always be taken seriously whatever the circumstances, and when it comes to heart and vascular conditions, this is no exception. This is because it is usually indicative of serious conditions such as cardiac arrests among others, all of which should lead to a visit to an emergency room such as the excellent
Another heart and vascular condition that should lead to a visit to the emergency room is vascular trauma which occurs when an artery or vein is crushed. Red flags as far as this is concerned include a lump beneath the skin as well as swelling and bruising. This should always be taken seriously as it could lead to bleeding out.
Yet another reason to visit an emergency room near you as far as heart and vascular conditions go is if one is presenting with paralysis, including partial paralysis on one side or one leg. As covered in detail over at, this is a sign of serious conditions such as an aortic dissection and should always be taken seriously as this is a life-threatening condition.
Speaking of aortic dissections, another reason that should ensure that you go to the emergency room is if you are experiencing unexplained, sudden difficulties walking. This is because this is another sign of this serious vascular condition and should always be taken very seriously to avoid any serious consequences.
If you are suffering from a heart or vascular condition emergency such as a heart attack or an aortic dissection, you are also likely to present with difficulties speaking as well as changes in vision such as blurred vision and even vision loss. As per the gurus over at, this is yet another reason to go to the emergency room as far as heart and vascular conditions go.
A pulse rate is one of the vital signs of the body that is directly linked to the heart and the vascular system. An extremely weak pulse should be reason to worry and visit an emergency room as far as the heart and vascular system goes. Another sign that you need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible is if you are presenting with a weak pulse, only this time on one thigh or arm as compared to the other. This is a sign of an aortic dissection and should always be treated with the seriousness it requires.
Speaking of a strange pulse, another reason to go to the emergency room as far as heart and vascular conditions go is if you begin to present with a pulse near your bellybutton. This is a sign of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and should be attended to before the aneurysm bursts, a situation that is life-threatening.
The above are 10 reasons that should lead to a visit to an emergency room such as the highly rated and excellent, all of which should be taken seriously given the potential consequences of not doing so.