ER Near Me: 10 Reasons to Go to the Emergency Room for Children’s Health

ER Near Me: 10 Reasons to Go to the Emergency Room for Children’s Health

If it was up to us, we would all want for our children to be healthy all the time and to avoid illnesses and injuries. Unfortunately, this is near impossible as the fact that children are extremely active and curious means that they are always exposed to situations that could lead to injury or disease and infection. Most children are also active in sports, especially in school, and as such they are also prone to suffering from sports-related accidents especially those that engage in contact sports such as soccer, football, hockey among others as well as those that engage in gymnastics and cheerleading. This is why when it comes to visits to the ER, children are the ones that are usually found in the waiting rooms waiting to be attended to. Parents can also get quite protective and as such even the smallest thing could lead to them taking their children to the emergency room, even if it doesn’t necessarily warrant such action. It is important to know as a parent which situations warrant a visit to the nearest emergency room as far as my child is concerned and which don’t. To help with this, this article will look to highlight 10 reasons that should warrant a visit to the emergency room as far as children’s health is concerned and we hope that this article will be of great help.

Injuries to the neck and spine are quite popular among children and should always be taken very seriously. Most of these injuries are as a result of activities such as skating or riding a bicycle among others. Signs of a neck or spine injury are numbness, body weakness, a tingling sensation among others. If one suffers such an injury, then they should be taken to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible to be attended to.

Speaking of injuries, another very common one is head injuries which are usually due to blows to the head from playing contact sports. Here, as per the subject matter experts over at, if a child suffers a blow to the head and they pass out, even if it is momentarily, then they should be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible to be attended to as this is a sign of severe concussion. Other red flags to look out for as far as concussion goes include severe vomiting and nausea, temporary memory loss among others.

Another very common condition in children is high fever, and it should always be taken very seriously as if not, it could lead to some very serious complications. Here, when it comes to children under the age of 3 months, if they are recording a temperature of 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit and above, then they should be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible. Those between 3 months and 3 years should be taken to the emergency room for a temperature of 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit while those older than 3 years should head to the nearest ER for a temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit and above.

Severe burns are yet another reason that should lead to a visit to the emergency room as far as children’s health is concerned. Here, signs that mean that one should take their child to the emergency room for burns include instances of third-degree burns, burns on sensitive areas such as the face, joints, genital areas as well as extensive burns that cover large areas of the body, as covered in detail over at

Asthma is also quite common in children, and in most cases can be controlled with medication. However, there are instances of asthma attack emergencies where one should ensure they child is taken to the emergency room as soon as possible to be attended to. This include symptoms such as severe shortness of breath and difficulties breathing, severe wheezing and breathlessness, turning blue of the fingertips or lips as well as cases where inhaled quick-relief medications are not working.

Signs of a severe allergic reaction should always lead to a visit to the emergency room as far as children’s health is concerned. Allergic reactions are common in children; however severe allergic reactions are potentially life-threatening. Red flags as far as they are concerned include breathing problems such as shortness of breath, severe hives and welts, swelling in the mouth and lips, turning blue of the skin among others, all of which are covered in detail over at

Another reason to go to the emergency room for children health is due to severe bone fractures. Here, if one suffers an open fracture where bone has broken through skin, they should be taken to the emergency room as soon as possible. Other signs that a child should be taken to the emergency room for bone fractures include severe bleeding, clear deformity among others.

Severe cases of seizures should also lead to a visit to an emergency room, such as the excellent Here if a child is suffering from a sudden and unexplained seizure, if their seizure is persistent or if the seizure episode they are having is different from any other they have suffered before, then they should be taken to an ER near them to be attended to.

Abdominal pain is also quite common in children and can be due to a number of reasons from food poisoning to infections. Symptoms requiring a visit to an emergency room include persistent, severe abdominal pain, tenderness of the stomach, severe diarrhea and vomiting as well as blood in vomit and stool.

Yet another reason to take your child to the emergency room for children’s health is if they have suffered a bite or a sting from a poisonous animal such as poisonous spider, snake or scorpion. Given this is life-threatening, it should be taken very seriously. The same should apply if your child is bitten by a rabid dog or a domestic animal.

The above are some 10 reasons to ensure you take your child to the emergency room, with being one of the best options out there.


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